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New system Iredell

Posts: 27
Posts: 27
Topic: New system Iredell
End products Profit opportunity in Iredell

Due to limited numbers of planets and moons, Proactive Guild changed its usual strategy to achieve 25 cities in the Iredell system.

We focused our efforts on two cities: on Iredell II and on Iredell IIa.
We will try to grow those two locations, not only to two cities per location, but to an even higher number of cities.

Products from categories:
Raw Materials, Components, and Civilian Services are covered by Proactive Guild

But, after the population reaches 5 million per city, demand for End Products will start to rise.
There is opportunity for all corporations to sell End Products and earn serious profit.

If you don’t have transports (or time) to sell those products directly on Star Ports in Iredell,
Just post sale offers on the market, and Proactive Guild will buy your products and organise transport to Iredell.

Go team Iredell!
New system Iredell

Posts: 27
Posts: 27
Topic: New system Iredell
Project Creole is officially closed, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and new system Iredell is established!

Many new planets and moons, many new rich resource plots, two new artifact resource plots is open to all players!

Special thanks to all players which sold their products in Creole system, especially in sectors Civilian Services and End Products. By meeting the high demand of Creole market for those products, you helped not only to open 25 cities faster, but you also earned a lot of money!

New focus is system Iredell.
Project Creole

Posts: 27
Posts: 27
Topic: Project Creole
Profit opportunity on Creole

Project Creole to establish 25 cities and to open new system, is growing strong!

We are at the stage where 10 cities are reaching 3 million population mark, and now demand for Civilian Services will start to grow.

We all know that profits in Civilian Services are huge, so feel free to establish production in those cities.

As always, buying any products in these cities is strictly prohibited, because that will slow and stop population growth.

Proactive guild will grow those cities up to population of 10 million, so demand for Civilian Services will be huge, and also your profit.

Also note that, when 10 million mark is reached, feeding of those cities will stop and population will slowly start to decline.
Than you can decide to continue to feed the city.
Or you can continue to sell Civilian Services as long as city is alive (without feeding the city).

Grab yourself billions!
Project Creole

Posts: 27
Posts: 27
Topic: Project Creole
Project Odegard is officially closed, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and new system Creole is established!

Many new planets and moons, many new rich resource plots, two new artifact resource plots, and all that really close to Sol!

Special thanks to all players which sold their products in Odegard system, especially in sectors Civilian Services and End Products. By meeting the high demand of Odegard market for those products, you helped not only to open 25 cities faster, but you also earned a lot of money!

New focus is system Creole.

In last few days foundations are laid:
We have one Warp Gate (at max level to provide max speed) strategically located, so all planets and moons are close-ish to fast transport point.
We have 10 cities with Spaceports, so you can feed those cities without danger of attack on planet surface.
Megastructure Arcology is deployed in all cities, for population growth bonus, and basic protection is placed to protect against Raiders.

Proactive guild is feeding all cities with all Raw Materials (and soon with Components), and demand for those product will be close to zero, so population grows as fast as possible.

But you can check demand on every individual city, and feel free to feed those cities with Civilian Services and End Products to speed up population growth even more.
Great profit opportunity there!

Final goal is the same, to reach 25 cities in Creole, and to open new system with new resource and artifact plots for all players.

Join us in effort to open new system!
Project Odegard

Posts: 27
Posts: 27
Topic: Project Odegard
Proactive Guild finished project Odegard, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved and new system in Sector 1 is opened!
New production locations and new artifact spots are here for all players!
Situation with Warp Gates

Posts: 27
Looks like Burkam system lost his Warp Gate.

New Gate is built at position to be close to 2 artifact plots, and to be at aprox center of the system so all planets are not to far from Gate.

Dont forget to update your loop orders with new coords of Warp Gate in Burkam system.
DeepSpace Project

Posts: 4
Posts: 4
Topic: DeepSpace Project
First half of Sector 11

Previous projects: Reid, Joyce (Completed 18/01/24, turn 224100), Sevius, Noymer (Completed 06/03/24, turn 231200).
Situation with Warp Gates

Posts: 27
Due to recent events, looks like Naertho and Panther systems also lost Warp Gates.
But dont worry, new Warp Gates were built, and in few days they will be at max level 10.
Situation with Warp Gates

Posts: 27
Wolf Warp Gate

One of the goals of Proactive Guild is to provide quick access to all resource and artifact locations on all Planets and Moons systems in Sector 1.
And for that, we all need to have at least one active Warp Gate (at max level 10) in every system.

So in future, before demolishing last Warp Gate in the system, please write message at our Local Channel, and I am sure that always one of the older players can step in, buy Warp Gate, and keep commercial routes open in Sector 1.

Anyway, Warp Gate in Wolf system at old location Wolf III 22:2 is built again, and it will be upgraded to max level 10 – but it will take few days.

Travel safe...
...and fast.
Barons of the Galaxy Essential Guide

Posts: 27

for new players
edited by Mariner on 2/18/2024
Project Odegard

Posts: 27
Posts: 27
Topic: Project Odegard
Project Ross is officially closed, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and new system Odegard is established!

Many new planets and moons, many new rich resource plots, two new artifact resource plots, and all that really close to Sol!

Special thanks to Kerbal Tech, AstroAscendingAsses and all members from Atlas guild.

New focus is system Odegard.

In last few days foundations are laid:

We have two Warp Gates (at max level to provide max speed) strategically located, so all planets and moons are close-ish to fast transport point.

We have 8 cities, most of them have Spaceports, so you can feed those cities without danger of attack on planet surface.

Megastructure Arcology is deployed in almost all cities, for population growth bonus, and basic protection is placed to protect against Raiders.

Proactive guild is feeding almost all cities with all Raw Materials, and demand for those product will be close to zero, so population grows as fast as possible.
But you can check demand on every individual city, and feel free to feed those cities with Components and End Products to speed up population growth even more.

Final goal is the same, to reach 25 cities in Odegard, and to open new system with new resource and artifact plots for all players.

Join us in effort to open new system!
Project Ross Prize 5 Space Trains 180 000 cargo

Posts: 27
Good bye Ross and hello Odegard

After many, many weeks of hard work, goal to reach 25 cities in Ross system is achieved and new system Odegard is established!

Many new planets and moons,
many new rich resource plots,
two new artifact resource plots,
and all that really close to Sol!

Special thanks to Kerbal Tech and AstroAscendingAsses, you deserved biggest prizes: each will get 2 pcs of Space Trains, fully upgraded at level 10, equipped with artifacts and with massive cargo capacity at 180 000.

Additional one Space Train and other prizes: Gunsuits, Ion Guns, MAK Gunships, Pirate Marauders will be transported to Kerbal Tech, so he can distribute prizes to other members of Atlas guild which were involved in Ross project.

Proactive guild is closing business in Ross system.
All Space Ports and Arcology Megastructures will be demolished, and if someone wants to buy them, contact me as soon as possible.

See you on new project: building up Odegard system to open next system in Sector 1!
Asteroid mining – profit opportunity

Posts: 27
After playing the game for more than one and half year, I still stand by statement written above:

I was never attacked by NPC on asteroid, so there is no need to send defending ship to protect your mining ship from NPC attacks (Machines, Raiders).

Do not thing about mining as your only core business, it is secondary profit maker.

Idea is to spend all your unused Military Log Points to make mining ships, produce resource you need, and increase your profit.

To many new players are missing this opportunity, they have unused Military Log points, and there are many free asteroid positions with high production bonus all around Sector 1 (close to Sol system).
Open Event Challenge Program - Details and Notices

Posts: 36
We have a winner for the sixth official Open Event Challenge!

Congratulations Delta Corp!

Final Battle Id: 145470
Famous last words from Andi's last unit 009: "100% Yeeee Hawww!"

The final placement was as follows:
1) Delta Corp
2) Andi

Thank you both for participating and helping to launch 2024 with a bang! For all you event lovers out there, the next event will be one we have not hosted yet!

Stay tuned!

Project Ross Prize 5 Space Trains 180 000 cargo

Posts: 27
Many news in last 10 days!
We have new city at Ross I and new city at Ross III.
In total, now we have 20 cities in Ross system, 5 more to go, until new system is established!

In both new cities, Megastructure Arcology is deployed and will be upgraded at max level to boost population growth.

Our focus is on 3 locations:
Ross I
Ross III
Ross V
Feed them with all products to meet demand and grow population, with final goal to establish new cities on those 3 locations.

Ignore all other locations in Ross system, and feed those cities just with minimum, so they are not deleted.

After Kerbal Tech, Proactive Guild is burning AX Geo (4 psc to go), and after that AstroAscendingAsses will continue to burn them to speed up population growth.
Also many A5 Geos were burned by on priority planets.
Open Event Challenge Program - Details and Notices

Posts: 36
Event Registration Open - Dog Wars-PvP - 225469

Registration is now open!

The sixth official event will be hosted in Wolf system on Wolf > Wolf Ib, Moon [16:12].

Event Type: Dog Wars - PvP
Event Start Turn: 225469 (Saturday, January 27th 2024 12:00pm MST)
Event Judge: AstroAscendingAsses

Unit Type: Scouts
Maximum Size: 1,800 Power
Victory Condition: Last unit standing
Battle Location: Wolf > Wolf Ib, Moon [16:12]

Event 1st Place Reward: 1 Billion Credits
Reward Donated By: AstroAscendingAsses

*Message the event judge (AstroAscendingAsses) to register today (private or in comms).
*Any questions or comments about this event, post them in the in-game comm post.
*Any corporation wanting to participate but do not have the funds, sponsorship opportunities are available, contact AstroAscendingAsses.
edited by HeroofEvil on 1/20/2024
Project Ross Prize 5 Space Trains 180 000 cargo

Posts: 27
Project Ross, update 15.01.24.

It looks like most efficient and fastest way to reach 25. city in Ross system is to upgrade Ross I and Ross III to maximum number of cities.

So, ignore all other locations where we have one city per Planet / Moon, and ignore Ross IV, because we already have there 8 cities.
We will keep an eye on all those cities and we will feed them with just enough Water, Crops and Meats so they stay alive and don't disappear.

So ignore those locations, reroute your Freighters, check which products have high demand and sell products at priority locations:
Ross I, we have one city there,
Ross III, where we have 3 cities,

Kerbal Tech, AstroAscendingAsses and all other corporation from Atlas Guild are doing great job on those two priority locations.

Other news;
We have enough AX Geo to boost population growth for at least two weeks.
After Kerbal Tech, Proactive guild will burn 14 pcs of AX Geo, and burning will continue AstroAscendingAsses.

To boost population growth, now we have Megastructure Arcology in all cities on Ross I and Ross III. And they will be deployed in every new city established on those planets.
Project Ross Prize 5 Space Trains 180 000 cargo

Posts: 27
Update Project Ross Prize 5 Space Trains 180 000 cargo.

Demand on priority 1 location Ross I, Stearns is under control, population is growing, and additional Freighters were sent to meet demand for additional critical products. New cities will be established soon at Ross I.

Spaceports were deployed on all Planets / Moons with single city locations.
Some corporations like to set up Distribution Centers to sell their products, but now you can also sell your products at all those Ports to speed up population growth.

To speed up population growth, Megastructure Arcology is deployed and will be upgraded at max level on two locations:
Ross III, Cream
Ross I, Stearns.

AstroAscendingAsses and Kerbal Tech are deploying Geo Boosters at strategic locations to boost population growth even more.

Race is long, every demand and product counts, so lets open new system!
Project Ross Prize 5 Space Trains 180 000 cargo

Posts: 27
If we have 25 cities in Ross system, new system will open Sector 1 and it will provide new resource and artifact plots near Earth (where all new players start).

Current status:
We have two major planet hubs:
Ross III: 3 cities
Ross IV: 8 cities
For faster travel inside system, there are smaller Warp gates at Ross I and Ross X.
On remaining planets and moons in Ross system, we have one city per planet/moon.

In total, at the moment we have 18 cities.

Current priority growth locations are:
To meet demand and grow population on Ross I (Port and Warp Gate) to trigger establishment of additional cities there.
To meet demand and grow population on all other planets and moons with single city, to trigger establishment of second city on those locations.

Is we establish one additional city on a Ross I, Ross Id, Ross IIIb, Ross IIIc, Ross V, Ross VII, Ross X, we will have additional 7 cities (in total 25 cities) and new system will open in Sector 1!

How can you help?
On all 7 priority locations in Ross system, check which products have high demand, and sell those products.
Feel free to oversell those product, so demand is at the minimum 10 or lowest possible.
Quantities are small, but with such extra low demand, population growth will be even faster.

On all 7 priority locations, you can build one or two Distribution Centers. Then you can transport 10 or 20 different products and set automatic sell in Distribution Center.
Or you can transport products with Freighters, and sell directly in 7 priority cities.

To spice thing up,
as prize, Proactive Guild will provide 5 pcs of Space Trains, fully upgraded at level 10, equipped with artifacts and with massive cargo capacity at 180 000!
There will be many other additional prizes: Gunsuits, MAK Gunships, Pirate Marauders etc, all special army units which cant be produced, and you can get them only by solving mystery quests.

All 7 priority locations will be monitored, and most active 10 or more players will receive all this unis as prize when we will have 25 cities in Ross system and new system is established.

Race is long, every demand and product counts, so lets open new system!
Open Event Challenge Program - Details and Notices

Posts: 36
We have a winner!

We had a close match up right until the end, but only one shall step forth as victor!

Congratulations Titan Industrial!

Here are the builds recorded:
Titan Industrial -- Redwine
Turn 217498: 915,765
Turn 218288: 802,271
Turn 219373: 1,161,969
Turn 220009: 3,284,296
Turn 220035: 3,437,354
Turn 220180: 4,425,797

Orion Interstellar -- Staudt
Turn 217498: 985,093
Turn 218288: 1,510,255
Turn 219373: 2,438,227
Turn 220009: 3,493,865
Turn 220035: 3,518,822
Turn 220180: 3,653,971

Thank you both for participating in our Builder Event. A great event to close out our year!
edited by HeroofEvil on 12/21/2023

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