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Come Join The Monopoly Go Plushie Partners Event!

Posts: 1
I believe everyone has updated and entered the new Monopoly Go Artful Tales Album and is currently playing the game. Please mark January 24th, because the first event of the new album, the Plushie Partners Event, will officially begin on this day.

This partner event will last for five days as usual, and players can complete tasks with other players during this time. This is a great opportunity to get Monopoly Go dice, don't miss it! The grand prize of this event is 5,000 Dice, Swap Pack Sticker Pack and A Husky Token. That means if you complete the points mileage with your partner and get the grand prize, you will have a good chance to get a high star sticker! This is a great reward! Even if you only complete the minimum points mileage, you can get 200 dice, so whether you can find a suitable team member or not, you must actively participate.

When looking for partners, it is recommended that Monopoly Go players choose carefully, because many event tasks require both partners to complete the tasks before you can get tokens and spin the event exclusive roulette. Of course, it is also important to participate in banner events and daily tournaments, which can help you complete the event faster. If you don't trust the partners you find or don't want to cooperate with other players, then I think you can buy Monopoly Go Partners Event on EZG, which is also a cheap and safe option.

One thing to note is that if you are a new player of Monopoly Go, you need to reach level 5 before January 24th, because the event is open to players above level 5, but it is not difficult, I believe you can do it, and Monopoly Go always has a lot of benefits for new players, so enjoy it.

Act quickly! Because the stickers of Artful Tales Album are really beautiful, and everyone will definitely work hard to complete the first event of the new album.

Also Read Something About Monopoly Go
More Info Please Click Here
Greetings and Basic Questions Thread

Posts: 1
does having a military pay? I see some people with large armies and no income how can they afford it?
Well I figured it out :P
edited by Artos914 on 1/1/2025
Project Angola

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: Project Angola
After a long struggle, Project Angola is officially closed, the goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and a new system Brisbin is established!

Many new planets, moons, and rich resource plots are open to all players!

Use them together. Use them in peace.
Historical Preservation Files

Posts: 18
Charter For The Planet Of Earth
Live Long and Prosper


Hellios Corporation

(No Titles)
Ruler of Paris
Research King of Sol

Welcome to Earth, the Cradle of Humanity!

The goal of this Charter is to promote the growth of Earth's population, and to ensure that our home planet remains a safe and fair community for all.

This Charter applies to all locations within Earth and its associated orbital space. This Charter supersedes city charters unless specifically noted here.

- Buying from Earth cities is prohibited unless authorised by city charter. Buying from the spaceport is also prohibited.

|Resources & Production|
- No corporation may claim any natural resource as their own.
- City Rulers reserve the right to control the production of Civilian Services in their respective cities.
- City Charters can be considered null and void following one election cycle with no active city ruler

- Destruction of corporate assets is prohibited on Earth UNLESS approved by the Emperor for the purpose of enforcing Charter Law.
Charter For The Planet Of Earth
Transpo stuck "picking up"

Posts: 1
I have a transpo or 2 that always get stuck in the "transfer cargo - pickup - all products" stage of an order set. I have several transpos all with the same order ser but traveling to different locations. All work fine except one or 2 that get stuck continuously picking up resources at a location and never move to the the next order which is "loop" and then "move to hq". I've even entered a set quantity to pick up, ie., 500 but it continues past that indefinitely until I manually set a different active order. It then, proceeds fine thru the order set until it gets back to the same order that it gets stuck at. For instance, if I have a 5 pt order set, 1-2-3-4-5, it always gets stuck at number 4. I then manually set order 1 as the active order and it proceeds fine until number 4 again. At first I thought it may have been a particular transpo, since the rest were working fine with essentially the same order set. I built another to replace the "faulty" transpo, made a new order set and it does the same thing. Shorlty after that, I noticed another transpo doing the exact same thing.
Historical Preservation Files

Posts: 18
Welcome to Shanghai, the Industrial and Military Bastion of Earth!


Rath Tech

(No Titles)

Message from Ratherios, Mayor of Shanghai:

To all residents and visitors of Shanghai,

As the new Mayor, I am committed to fortifying our city's defenses and maintaining its status as a key industrial and military hub. While we pivot from seeking external investments to focusing on internal strength and resilience, we continue to welcome trade in components, raw materials, and end products.

We remind everyone to respect our city's laws, its people, and our corporate partners. Together, we stand strong in our mission to protect and serve not only Shanghai but also our home planet.

Rath Tech
Mayor of Shanghai

Charter For The City Of Shanghai
Project Angola

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: Project Angola
Project Orosz is officially concluded, with the goal of reaching 25 cities successfully achieved, and the new Angola system has been established!

Numerous new planets and moons, along with a wealth of resource plots, are now available to all players!

We extend special thanks to all players who sold their products in the Orosz system, contributing to the rapid population growth that helped us reach 25 cities.

Our new focus is the Angola system. There are a total of 11 planets and moons. The plan is to establish at least three or more cities on three of these locations, while aiming for one or two cities on the remaining eight. The ultimate goal is to establish 25 cities and unlock a new system.

Let’s go, Project Angola!
Project Orosz

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: Project Orosz
After more then 2 months, Project Orosz is officially closed, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and new system Angola is established!

Many new planets, moons and rich resource plots are open to all players!

Use them together. Use them in peace.
Is this game still being developed?

Posts: 1
So sorry for the impertinence but has the dev abandoned this game? Last dev post I see is from 4 years ago...
Project Orosz

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: Project Orosz
After the target of 25 cities in the Iredell system was achieved, and the new system Orosz was established, to be honest, Proactive Guild was shocked!

Previously we had systems with a small number of Planets / Moons, but this is the first system with only 7 Planets and Moons!?

And that is the reason why it will be very hard to establish 25 cities to open a new system.

Anyway, after the first shock, Proactive Guild decided that the most efficient plan is to build:
4 cities on 4 planets and moons
3 cities on the remaining 3 planets and moons.

We will start Project Orosz by providing all Raws and Components.
If other corporations are willing to help, they can sell their products in the Orosz system, especially in the sectors of Civilian Services and End Products. By meeting the high demand of the Orosz market for those products, you will help not only to open 25 cities faster, but you will also earn a lot of money!

We choose to go to the Orosz not because they are easy, but because they are hard!
New system Iredell

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: New system Iredell
After more then 2 months, Project Iredell is officially closed, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and new system Orosz is established!

Many new planets, moons and rich resource plots are open to all players!

Use them together. Use them in peace.
New system Iredell

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: New system Iredell
End products Profit opportunity in Iredell

Due to limited numbers of planets and moons, Proactive Guild changed its usual strategy to achieve 25 cities in the Iredell system.

We focused our efforts on two cities: on Iredell II and on Iredell IIa.
We will try to grow those two locations, not only to two cities per location, but to an even higher number of cities.

Products from categories:
Raw Materials, Components, and Civilian Services are covered by Proactive Guild

But, after the population reaches 5 million per city, demand for End Products will start to rise.
There is opportunity for all corporations to sell End Products and earn serious profit.

If you don’t have transports (or time) to sell those products directly on Star Ports in Iredell,
Just post sale offers on the market, and Proactive Guild will buy your products and organise transport to Iredell.

Go team Iredell!
New system Iredell

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: New system Iredell
Project Creole is officially closed, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and new system Iredell is established!

Many new planets and moons, many new rich resource plots, two new artifact resource plots is open to all players!

Special thanks to all players which sold their products in Creole system, especially in sectors Civilian Services and End Products. By meeting the high demand of Creole market for those products, you helped not only to open 25 cities faster, but you also earned a lot of money!

New focus is system Iredell.
Project Creole

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: Project Creole
Profit opportunity on Creole

Project Creole to establish 25 cities and to open new system, is growing strong!

We are at the stage where 10 cities are reaching 3 million population mark, and now demand for Civilian Services will start to grow.

We all know that profits in Civilian Services are huge, so feel free to establish production in those cities.

As always, buying any products in these cities is strictly prohibited, because that will slow and stop population growth.

Proactive guild will grow those cities up to population of 10 million, so demand for Civilian Services will be huge, and also your profit.

Also note that, when 10 million mark is reached, feeding of those cities will stop and population will slowly start to decline.
Than you can decide to continue to feed the city.
Or you can continue to sell Civilian Services as long as city is alive (without feeding the city).

Grab yourself billions!
Project Creole

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: Project Creole
Project Odegard is officially closed, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved, and new system Creole is established!

Many new planets and moons, many new rich resource plots, two new artifact resource plots, and all that really close to Sol!

Special thanks to all players which sold their products in Odegard system, especially in sectors Civilian Services and End Products. By meeting the high demand of Odegard market for those products, you helped not only to open 25 cities faster, but you also earned a lot of money!

New focus is system Creole.

In last few days foundations are laid:
We have one Warp Gate (at max level to provide max speed) strategically located, so all planets and moons are close-ish to fast transport point.
We have 10 cities with Spaceports, so you can feed those cities without danger of attack on planet surface.
Megastructure Arcology is deployed in all cities, for population growth bonus, and basic protection is placed to protect against Raiders.

Proactive guild is feeding all cities with all Raw Materials (and soon with Components), and demand for those product will be close to zero, so population grows as fast as possible.

But you can check demand on every individual city, and feel free to feed those cities with Civilian Services and End Products to speed up population growth even more.
Great profit opportunity there!

Final goal is the same, to reach 25 cities in Creole, and to open new system with new resource and artifact plots for all players.

Join us in effort to open new system!
Project Odegard

Posts: 32
Posts: 32
Topic: Project Odegard
Proactive Guild finished project Odegard, goal to reach 25 cities is achieved and new system in Sector 1 is opened!
New production locations and new artifact spots are here for all players!
Situation with Warp Gates

Posts: 32
Looks like Burkam system lost his Warp Gate.

New Gate is built at position to be close to 2 artifact plots, and to be at aprox center of the system so all planets are not to far from Gate.

Dont forget to update your loop orders with new coords of Warp Gate in Burkam system.
DeepSpace Project

Posts: 4
Posts: 4
Topic: DeepSpace Project
First half of Sector 11

Previous projects: Reid, Joyce (Completed 18/01/24, turn 224100), Sevius, Noymer (Completed 06/03/24, turn 231200).
Situation with Warp Gates

Posts: 32
Due to recent events, looks like Naertho and Panther systems also lost Warp Gates.
But dont worry, new Warp Gates were built, and in few days they will be at max level 10.
Situation with Warp Gates

Posts: 32
Wolf Warp Gate

One of the goals of Proactive Guild is to provide quick access to all resource and artifact locations on all Planets and Moons systems in Sector 1.
And for that, we all need to have at least one active Warp Gate (at max level 10) in every system.

So in future, before demolishing last Warp Gate in the system, please write message at our Local Channel, and I am sure that always one of the older players can step in, buy Warp Gate, and keep commercial routes open in Sector 1.

Anyway, Warp Gate in Wolf system at old location Wolf III 22:2 is built again, and it will be upgraded to max level 10 – but it will take few days.

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