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Server back up and Alpha Test v3 launched Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We had a catastrophic server failure when updating the server for the new Alpha game launch. Still not sure what happened but the hard drives (two in a mirror) become unbootable and then the server itself failed altogether. We were able to got another identical machine quickly but took a few days to reinstall the system from scratch .It was down for a week but we are back up as of June 6th 2016.

Alpha 3 was launched today, everyone signed up on the website was invited to participate which is about 500+ people. There were some tragic oversights and bugs in the last version that made the game get pretty wild pretty quickly, that's game testing, but we've made major changes and I hope this version goes much better!.

The few remaining issues we are going to work on are:
  • Damage threshold on Attack order is not working at all. There was a complication with groups doing this we need to work on.
  • Defenses can't "Guard" with your other units. Terran Fed defense units are all set to guard but defenses don't event have an order tab. This makes it difficult to actually guard someone in your location. At first we didn't want defenses to be able to guard at all but that decision is reversed. Just need to implement it.
  • Being able to upgrade all your units anywhere anytime once they are built makes for quick "farming" of unit power by building a lot of small units and then upgrading them all. We're considering making another logistics stat that counts the levels of your bases and shipyards and only allows a certain amount of units, or perhaps a combination of there levels, to be upgraded at one time.
  • Units repair themselves automatically at about 1% per turn. At a base or yard they can go to 2% per turn depending on the level of base. Recently we added a cost involved in repairing units. Attacking a x100 sack of fighters, which cost 100mil and 1000 turns to create, to 10% and then watch them return to full power the next day is a bad mechanic. We were considering having the level of the unit get dropped when it was badly hurt but instead we simply made repairs cost money. However, there is currently no way to stop the repairs from happening and the repair costs can put you into debt or even crash your corporation into liquidation,.
  • The event system is still being worked on. There is now an event to create a vote for a city ruler but the normal random events are not functional yet. We hope to start get those rolling soon.

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