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Event System In Place on Alpha 3 game Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
The event system, just went into place tonight. There are only a whopping 2 random events right now. A very simple price goes up and price goes down event against a specific product. The City ruler event is also in place but that is only possible if someone moves there Corp HQ to a city outside of Sol after that location becomes a city. We're going to be working mainly on events the coming weeks so expect to see more showing up randomly in the future.
Expect to have your account set to "paid" so you can re-locate outside of Sol and be given a bonus 10 million in credits tonight also. Have fun and report bugs! =)
edited by DrDread on 6/12/2016
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