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Transports wasting turns Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 57

Posts: 57
Currently if a transport has a list of commands, but can't process one (or more) it will use a turn to do nothing. For example when I was setting up a new system my truck was set to pickup 3 different resources, move them, then sell them. On the first turn it processed the 1st pickup, which filled it up. The next few turns it just sat there, one turn for each pickup order it should have just skipped because it was already full. When it got to the selling it did the same thing, sold the first lot of products, then 1 turn for each other product in the list (which it didn't have at the time).

Is it possible to make it skip several buy/pickup/dropoff/sell orders at a time if the truck is already full or products aren't there? It feels very wasteful that they just sit there for 2 extra turns processing pickup orders etc when it's already full or doesn't have the products listed to sell/dropoff.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Making the system skip orders because the cargo is full might get messy (code wise). It might be easier to make a SINGLE ORDER that can pick up more than one thing but that is complicated also. 12 transports in the same place trying to pick up 5-6 different things at once while some already carrying cargo etc. is another set of complexity on an already tricky situation =)

On second thought maybe making the orders skip any "pick up" orders if its full and skip any "drop off" orders if its already empty might be easier to implement.

Another feature we should try to add is a pick up "anything" and a sell "anything you're carrying" option. Make the commands easier
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