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City Ruler voting Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 68

Posts: 68
The event last just one turn. Kind of a pole in the eye for anyone not online and those that play casually.
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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
Add to that people that are in differents timezones, I think it should last for around 100 turns...
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
The election is open for 100 turns, but since it found no eligible Corporations there it canceled immediately. The only people who can be elected are the ones that have their Corp HQ there but anyone with industry located there has a vote. All that information is grabbed at the moment the event starts.
I have a feeling the vote launched on the same turn the city was created which made it impossible for anyone to have an HQ there. If the city already had a ruler and this was a re-election than it wouldn't be a problem but when the city has no ruler and no Corp HQs present the event comes and goes in a single turn.

I should allow the event to stand for the 100 turns and then close, even though no one could be elected or maybe make the first stage of the event be a "Election coming soon" for 100 turns and then "initiate" it where it grabs the Corp HQs and industry at the location and sets up the vote. That would give people time to actually move their Corp HQs there and be eligible to be elected instead of making it a "surprise" election that you can't get into unless you were already there when it happened

For now, the event will try again in 100 turns.
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