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Posts: 36

Posts: 36
I have enjoyed the game although I would like to see consumption of materials for your mines and farming. Farming should require water 1 unit of water for every turn to grow your crops for the animal breading and so forth. Mines should need Mining equipment that may be 1 unit of mining equipment and large and light trucks should be needed for 100 turns for mining equipment to mine and 1000 turns for the trucks . Building your ships and structures should require you to have the components to build your Ships and structures.

Cities should consume 10 units of water every million people. 10 units of food for every million people. Given that it should be a variety of foods they need to keep the population happy. 4 types of food will maintain your population but zero growth why 6 or 7 types of food makes them happy and growing. Power for the city is the other.

The last thing I do recommend is all resources are available for the barons at the moment I would like to see 4 Resources that are rare to find along with Artefacts as there is not much to fight over in the game at present and we all don't need to fight each other. Resources can be a mean to start wars. 2 luxury resources and 2 strategic resources. (giving pirate factions something to steal) The use of a single City hub for which these are sold in Sol System for a dear price would be the best way in the beginning to do.

The Resource in Hyperspace engines should be rare.

I hope to see these things bought into the game like this.
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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
There is a problem in your logic : how can we start mining with mining equipment which would need raw materials or components ? You get stucked and can't do anything, right now I think it's fine with raw stuff but the idea to make ships off components sounds nice to me.
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Posts: 36

Posts: 36
You will be able to buy them in the cities in the Sol System as it is Governed by the AIexander Leadership (AI) Keeping up with the supply and demand in the System. But of course that is not available to the Barons once they depart the Sol System.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
That's sounds a lot like other games =)

This game is supposed to be a trading game and all the resources and products are technically equal although they have different mechanics and flavors of play. You can't make water required for population as that would make water more valuable then any other resource unless you made all the other resources have a use also. But there's 150 products and 16 resources in a game where the only thing you can make besides factories is the military to protect them. If the game had 3 resources like Water, Metal and Food then you might be able to do something like that.

Water is used heavily in all the infrastructure and civilian "factories" like Parks, Housing and Restaurants and without them the population falls like every other product. A lot of the resources are used to make components that go into other products. To make the resources be used to build the trucks and factories in the first place adds kinda adds "busy steps" to the system.

No one fights eachtoher right now because there is far too much resource available for the 50 people playing. I have some ideas on making the resources, or at least the static population in Sol, adjust with the number of players. There is going to be one "rare" resources, artifacts that will make special items or launch special events etc. It can also be sold for money. Its something people should fight over.
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Posts: 57

Posts: 57
I've considered raiding your 80k worth of sugar and coffee for my city but dont feel like starting a war :-)
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Jazzek wrote:
I've considered raiding your 80k worth of sugar and coffee for my city but dont feel like starting a war :-)

Go for it, no war will start =)
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