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Spawning Terran controlled city in new systems Messages in this topic - RSS

Create a Terran controlled city in new star systems?

Yes, create a safe city in new systems:7
No, let the market and players make it happen:3
Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We have this idea of spawning a large Terran Federation controlled city in every new star system that becomes available. Probably pick the largest group of resources in the most earth like world in the system and spawn a city on it. It might be regulated in the same way the Sol cities are. A somewhat safe and stable city that you are guaranteed to be able to sell some products too. Perhaps it still has an election after some time, a week, and once it is taken over it become a normal city.

This is being done to alleviate the problem of getting the first city or two going in a new star system. Its just an idea but we like to hear feedback on it.
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