Official news and announcements from the game.
Kickstarter campaign link available
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
This is a link to our DRAFT of the Kickstarter campaign we plane to launch on August 6th
Barons of the Galaxy Kickstarter Campaign
We have increased the rewards from last time and we're also offering big immediate bonuses for the Beta Test if you back the project. It's been mentioned that the live game rewards are lacking because all they are is free paid time. We're against making any pay to win style boosts past the "Accelerated Start" option that will slowly be put into the game as the average players become more established.
However we are considering offering perhaps just a Corp HQ level increase in your live game as backer rewards, without any credits. That wouldn't catapult you forward quickly but you wouldn't have to wait for the time and money to upgrade your Corp HQ. That seems like a reasonable tradeoff and also can't be abused or farmed like a credit bonus can. A Corp HQ level increase at launch is also the type of reward we were planning to give our helpful and active Alpha Game testers in addition to whatever rewards they get for backing the project even if they don't actually back it.
We would love to hear your feedback on the campaign rewards!
Jazzek Posts: 57
You missed the opportunity for it to be 'Sugar Daddy of Mercury'... :-D