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Couple of Questions about shipping and production Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Heyo first off thanks for the great project - it looks fantastic.

So been here barely a day but already planning ahead and it is obvious that at some point I will need to be shipping in materials from other planets (poor Uranus is a bit limited in resources). However looking through the tutorial and all of the help files I am still not sure exactly how one goes about shipping stuff between planets. I am assuming it needs a spaceport, if not a shipyard, but it might need other stuff... and are spaceports or shipyards needed at both locations? Also - I guess I need a shuttle or something to physically move the goods around? If I missed it in the help files I apologize but I read through a couple of times and really could not find this.

Also another question about upgrading the HQ, I still need to save up for this but - When I upgrade the HQ I have an option to select a product to specialize in but it is not clear to me if that is a product that my HQ (and only my HQ) will be specialized in or if it is something that all of my (mighty!) industrial complex will benefit from. Is there a point to stacking the specialty? (i.e. I specialized in industrial chemicals when I created the account, is there a point in selecting that again, or does it have no effects, or diminishing returns, or ... er... what exactly?)

Thanks in advance !
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Posts: 167

Posts: 167
In regards to your questions,
  • How do I transport goods from Planet A to Planet B?
    • To transport goods between planets, you will need to create a Shipyard and then put a Freighter (or any space faring ship) into construction.
    • Once the Freighter is complete you will create orders for it similar to your planetary bound transports except you can send it to any location you desire, whether it be inter/intra-planetary
    • You do not need to build Spaceports as these are a type of Infrastructure that can be created and sold directly to cities on a planet.
    • To set up your first interplanetary mission you will want to construct an ACP structure and send it with your ship to the planet and deploy the ACP into whatever structure you want for production.
  • When upgrading my HQ, what will my research benefit?
    • I will refer this to anyone that is better at explaining this beyond which Doctor Dread explained in this post: http://forum.baronsofthegalaxy.com/topic1154-production-bonus-.aspx#post1945

edited by ChaChaCharms on 8/1/2016

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain..
+1 link
Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
That's a great explanation =)
It's also not that clear but under Corporate >> Research you can "unlearn" and re-assign your tech points into other industries. When you upgrade your Corp HQ it just ask where you want your new tech point to go. Increasing tech into a single product stacks, putting it into an entire category is half the impact but affect every product in the category. Stick with a single product until you start overwhelming the product volume of the cities you are selling to and the prices start to go down.
+1 link
Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Thanks to the both of you - very clear now on to planning how to make it all happen!
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Thanks to the both of you - very clear now on to planning how to make it all happen!

Not to confuse you more but, there is a Contract system where you can have another corporation, one that is probably making too much of a certain resource, transfer products to you and have them supply what you need at the location. But because you can buy any product at double its value it hasn't been wildly popular. Perhaps when the industries become large enough to swamp the market.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Ok so now all of that is clear... I have more questions (hurray!)

Firstly - how do I calculate how long a ship will take to get somewhere? I assume that going to a nearby moon is faster than going to another planet in system which is probably faster than going to a different system - but does anyone have any idea how long such things will take? Just thinking about where best to expand right now.

Secondly - One thing I don't understand about the economy. Why not simply buy the materials needed to build e.g. laser and just sell stacks of lasers? It takes 10 materials to build a laser which I buy at double price so the cost is 20 materials... but then I make 50 lasers so my ROI is 30 units per turn which is far far better than actually extracting ANY of the resources I can see. So... why doesn't everyone just do this? Seems a bit skewed from the economic perspective.


Finally does anyone have an updated version of this chart - I took it from the guide but clearly the costs do not correspond to the costs in game, would also be great to see what the time for upgrading is.

  • Level 1 - Output: 1x - Upgrade Cost: 100,000
  • Level 2 - Output: 2x - Upgrade Cost: 200,000
  • Level 3 - Output: 5x - Upgrade Cost: 300,000
  • Level 4 - Output: 11x - Upgrade Cost: 500,000
  • Level 5 - Output: 22x - Upgrade Cost: 550,000
  • Level 6 - Output: 33x - Upgrade Cost: 600,000
  • Level 7 - Output: 46x - Upgrade Cost: 650,000
  • Level 8 - Output: 58x - Upgrade Cost: 750,000
  • Level 9 - Output: 87x - Upgrade Cost: 1mil
  • Level 10 - Output: 120x - Upgrade Cost: n/a

edited by Vulpex on 8/3/2016
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Ok so now all of that is clear... I have more questions (hurray!)

Firstly - how do I calculate how long a ship will take to get somewhere? I assume that going to a nearby moon is faster than going to another planet in system which is probably faster than going to a different system - but does anyone have any idea how long such things will take? Just thinking about where best to expand right now.

Secondly - One thing I don't understand about the economy. Why not simply buy the materials needed to build e.g. laser and just sell stacks of lasers? It takes 10 materials to build a laser which I buy at double price so the cost is 20 materials... but then I make 50 lasers so my ROI is 30 units per turn which is far far better than actually extracting ANY of the resources I can see. So... why doesn't everyone just do this? Seems a bit skewed from the economic perspective.


Finally does anyone have an updated version of this chart - I took it from the guide but clearly the costs do not correspond to the costs in game, would also be great to see what the time for upgrading is.

  • Level 1 - Output: 1x - Upgrade Cost: 100,000
  • Level 2 - Output: 2x - Upgrade Cost: 200,000
  • Level 3 - Output: 5x - Upgrade Cost: 300,000
  • Level 4 - Output: 11x - Upgrade Cost: 500,000
  • Level 5 - Output: 22x - Upgrade Cost: 550,000
  • Level 6 - Output: 33x - Upgrade Cost: 600,000
  • Level 7 - Output: 46x - Upgrade Cost: 650,000
  • Level 8 - Output: 58x - Upgrade Cost: 750,000
  • Level 9 - Output: 87x - Upgrade Cost: 1mil
  • Level 10 - Output: 120x - Upgrade Cost: n/a

edited by Vulpex on 8/3/2016

There is no tool that displays the time it will take for units to move from point A to point B but we're considering trying to display it on the orders screen at least. The movement speed of your ship or unit is how many squares it moves in a turn. the viewscreen is 25x25 squares (when looking at a planet zoom level). You can see if it you click the "Show Overlay" checkbox. To go from the center of the planet to the center of the moon next to it is 25 squares. Ground units can't jump planets without being carried!

If you're trying to go to another planet that is 5 squares away (when looking at the solar system zoom level) that's going to be 125 squares of movement for a freighter that moves about 10 per turn that's 12-13 turns one way.

There is also a subtle nuance to movement. Units only travel is straight lines along the 8 directions. If it has to "turn" to line up with its destination, it stops there to do it even if it had more movement left. Imagine two cities only 3 spaces apart but not directly horizontal or diagonal to each other. Even if a ship had 25 movement it would take it two turns to get there, first moving until it was perfectly horizontal and turning then moving again next turn to land there.
2) This is an interesting point. Assuming all prices are 100 and no tech bonus: Buying the 10 resources at double ($2000 + $1000 to run factory) to make the components which yield 25 and sell for $2500 is not profitable. But buying the components at double (same $3000) to make 50 units of end product that sell for $5000 Is quite profitable. This would change as soon the price of comps rose some and the cost of lasers dropped but your point is still valid.

Perhaps It would make more "economy" sense if everything built at the same quantity but components were worth 2.5 as much and end products were worth 5x as much. the "Demand" would represent a percentage of that number (an end product showing 100% demand meant it would sell for 500 each) That was how the demand worked a long time ago but was confusing. The demand number is what determines a cities population growth, staying under 200 meant a positive growth to some degree. Maybe we should revisit that.whole mechanic
In the meantime you should try to do what you are doing. Buying the comps to make the end products sounds like a legitimate form of business. We'll see how it plays out.
3) I apologize, that chart is hard coded instead of reading the database like most everything else. There have been a lot of changes. I'll try to update it tonight.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
No need to apologize it's a great answer wink

I might try the buy comps and produce end products idea - haven't implemented that it just looked so good it almost felt it couldn't be true wink

When it comes to movement though - based on what you say when I am viewing the map at the sector level that means each square is actually 25*25 -- 625 units of distance so that travelling from Sol to Gulyaev (3 squares on the vertical axis, 5 squares on the horizontal) would take for a basic ship moving 10 per turn... about 500 turns? (8*625 = 5000) correct? Seems quite the distance wink
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Posts: 22

Posts: 22
Vulpex wrote:

When it comes to movement though - based on what you say when I am viewing the map at the sector level that means each square is actually 25*25 -- 625 units of distance so that travelling from Sol to Gulyaev (3 squares on the vertical axis, 5 squares on the horizontal) would take for a basic ship moving 10 per turn... about 500 turns? (8*625 = 5000) correct? Seems quite the distance wink

Actually they would move NW diagonally 2 then turn W for 2 more.

But yeah, it takes a long time to travel between systems so plan to move in FORCE. Plan to build new military buildings, and most of your planned production when you step foot into a system you want to move into. Also upgrading the movement speed of a freighter can reduce that travel time quite a bit (a freighter gains 2 speed each upgrade).

In alpha I ran a water tanker (or was it basic minerals I forget) from Pluto to Odegard with 3 move upgrades and 2 cargo upgrades and for my purposes at the time it was WAY more than I needed or could sell with out over supplying my city.
edited by Shooer on 8/3/2016
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
No need to apologize it's a great answer wink

I might try the buy comps and produce end products idea - haven't implemented that it just looked so good it almost felt it couldn't be true wink

When it comes to movement though - based on what you say when I am viewing the map at the sector level that means each square is actually 25*25 -- 625 units of distance so that travelling from Sol to Gulyaev (3 squares on the vertical axis, 5 squares on the horizontal) would take for a basic ship moving 10 per turn... about 500 turns? (8*625 = 5000) correct? Seems quite the distance wink

Yes I misquoted sorry 625 not 125. Gulyaev is a funny story. The new systems that open up are supposed to be the nearest one to the last system that opened up or Sol system. The nearest system was actually Odegard but due to something I missed when I reset the game Odegard was skipped and it went to Gulyaev which is farther away.

Even at 300-400 turns its too far to make small shipments,. There was an idea to automatically create a new city inside the new system when it opens up so players can sell to something locally making it worth starting mining operations there but I don't have that implemented yet., I might force a city spawn out there this week if I can get that code in place first.

ON THE COMPONENTS ISSUE: After some thought I realize that I can't leave the system in place the way it is. What's probably going to happen is that the structures are not going to make 25 and 50 products per turn anymore, they will all go to 10 but the selling price of components and End Products will go to 250 and 500 respectively. The "Demand" will remain exactly the same and represents how far off the demand is from normal. 200% demand means the price is double what it should be, for resources that would be 200 per, but for end products that will mean 1000 per. I'm going to add the actual value of products to the demand screen. Hopefully I can make this happen within the next coupe of days,.
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