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Noob protection and scaling with more players Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 11

Posts: 11
So, as I understand it so far you are given a hq at a location in Sol when the game starts which is protected by the Terran Federation. It is similar to the CONCORD in Eve from what I understand in that it helps you defend against anyone that attacks you IN SOL.
What happens though when you leave Sol? And what happens when Sol goes full?
Wouldn't it be more noob-friendly having people complete the tutorial in Sol and THEN moving their HQ to another planet outside Sol? Or have them complete basic quests (build this, build that etc) as a greater tutorial and then moving them out of Sol?
At the moment number of people doesn't seem like a great issue but it can fast become one. It is kind of a turn-off to see a multi billion corp at the same planet as you controlling pretty much everything.
Every noob should be in a noob environment and then try to build his way to the top.

Ideas. I might have not understood the concept of the game well enough yet.
Excuse me if that is the case.

Also I would like to ask anyone that played long enough in the alpha this:

What happens if one player just focuses on the military part and just raids / pillages and destroys bases? Isn't that an unfair advantage given that most people I see focus on the economic part of the game?
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