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Posts: 5

Posts: 5
Here are some suggestions I have for game development. I will try to update this as I play and place my priorities in top down order.
-I'd suggest vetting players and limiting general access to the engine to people who can stay active and communicate reports. In game communication needs to be enhanced.
-Turn ticks which take longer (1hr) but crunch more data and allow for easier chaining between simple tasks such as loading cargo then rolling out within a single turn. A turn should be considered an earth day or some defined span of time which is the basis of movement and order process speeds. Squares should also have a defined length of space.
-I'd suggest a generally larger GUI (there are so many problems with the current UI I'm sure you are aware of). The game should be based for 16:9 PC browsers, but accessible with lower resolutions. This could provide larger planetary surfaces and starmaps. Things seem a little crushed to me here.
-Currently, there seems to be tunnel vision for resource and unit development while basic UI and time/distance scaling are not being improved. If anything resources and units should be halved in number in order to allow easier future tweaking of less types/classes. Simplicity in design allows for perfection while MMOs which make to many add-ons in one area too quickly bog themselves in faults due too conflicting modules. Each section (GUI, research, diplomacy, resources, buildings, units, etc.) should be upgraded in coordinance with all other branches of the engine to keep everything constantly in general development and equalised.

I think a proper release state for this engine would be one which allows new player creation on a protected and somewhat resourcefully infinite Earth. While user domains are contested within Sol. Solar travel could be left for future development. A basic research tree with effective traits is needed. Diplomatic communications are currently non-functional. Unit and building development should be based on resource costs and secondarly credits. Credits should be used for resource exchange mostly. Since you are interested in playtesting your own engine the Dev team and his lead testers/funders should be the planetary lords and stay within your domain policing the game state. A.I. (terran federation) could be left out entirely as long as moderators stayed active.

Anyhow that is my first draft of this post and I'll try to clean it up later as I learn more about the engine development and current designs.
Version 1.1
edited by George on 8/6/2016
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