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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Hmm... having built one and seen it in action against a couple of raids, I'm starting to wonder exactly how forts work.

Their description states:
Basic ground defenses designed to draw fire and protect other units.

Ok that's what I would expect from a fort... but how does it work? Do ground units in the same location as the fort get any kind of defensive bonuses? Are forts targetted before other units/structures? Is it better to have one high level fort or two mid level ones?

See my angst? Trying to design some kind of effective defense against raiders and ah, the various problems of life as a baron...
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Posts: 22

Posts: 22
Forts provide denfense the same way that shield bases or very large ships do, they just soak a larger share of the damage and take less of in it turn.

Combat damage is delt to every thing participating based on its size, the larger it is the more damage % it will take. Then on top of that each unit deals a different amount of damage to eachother.

There's a chart in the guide showing all this.
edited by Shooer on 8/6/2016
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Hmm... having built one and seen it in action against a couple of raids, I'm starting to wonder exactly how forts work.

Their description states:
Basic ground defenses designed to draw fire and protect other units.

Ok that's what I would expect from a fort... but how does it work? Do ground units in the same location as the fort get any kind of defensive bonuses? Are forts targetted before other units/structures? Is it better to have one high level fort or two mid level ones?

See my angst? Trying to design some kind of effective defense against raiders and ah, the various problems of life as a baron...

Fortifications, like shields, don't do much if any damage by themselves, they draw a lot of the fire and take a lot of hits so your other units there can not be attacked as much. The raiders are actually set to RAID so they are stealing products from the location and they attack for more than a few rounds at a time.

Armored is very effective against mechanized if you're interested in taking out their base quickly, commandos do very high structure damage for the cost. You should just start building up a lot of infantry or your own mechanized to start. Units are more effective vs certain other units but simply outnumbering something 5 to 1 works too =)
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
AHA! I think I understand now - the bigger the size of a unit the more likely it is going to be hit thus with a fort it will absorb some of the hits that I would normally be expecting otherwise. Ok now to build up some mechanized and armoured units to take out these pesky raiders once and for all.
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