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Copy/paste Orders
Cayhnos Posts: 3
New to this game but loving it so far. One thing that I've had some troubles with, especially when not having so many transports available is Orders. I think it would be great if we could copy a order sequence and somehow store it.
I see this especially useful in a case that I currently end up in:
1. I have all my transports on loops, picking up, selling and returning. Rinse & repeat. 2. I Just produced a new ACP and wan't it to be deployed. 3. Now I have to remove the orders from one transport to tell it to go and deploy the ACP. 4. The deployment is complete and the transport is returning. A "Paste Order" button with my old Order sequence would have ben awesome here.
Is there some other way that I have missed that make this kind of thing easier?
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
This is a good idea, it's come up before. Essentially "saving" a units orders as it is with a name and then being able to import or paste it in another unit by selecting it from a dropdown. It's one of those "Quality of life" improvements we plan to make to the interface once things settle down with changes.
Cayhnos Posts: 3
Exactly! Awesome!