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Prices for Components Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 35

Posts: 35
Currently I can sell raw materials at about 100 units each with demand hovering around 100-120. Or I can combine 10 of those raw materials and make a component that sells for about 300 each thus losing 700 units on each component I sell? If it takes 10 raw materials to make one component shouldn't the price of that component for similar demand be a little more than ten times the raw material price or about 1000? The way it is now there is no way to buy the raw materials you need to produce a component for sale. You are forced to produce your own raw materials.

Same problem exists between components and end goods -- 10 components at around 300 each combine to sell as a end product at around 600?

Has this been brought up before? Is this a bug or just encouragement to supply raw materials for now? Or much more likely am I just misunderstanding everything?
edited by Rujholla on 8/15/2016
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