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Event filters Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 7

Posts: 7
I've been playing around with some events - mostly products in demand and surplus - and it's becoming kind of annoying to look for them when looking in the entire system.
It would be nice to have an option to filter events by their type (or add a search bar for filters).
Granted, I can use Ctrl+F for that but that's annoying on say, mobile devices for example.

Seeing as this is mostly QOL I wouldn't mind too much if this never made it into the game, but hey, it's a beta, so I figured I'd give some feedback on things I found.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
5argan wrote:
I've been playing around with some events - mostly products in demand and surplus - and it's becoming kind of annoying to look for them when looking in the entire system.
It would be nice to have an option to filter events by their type (or add a search bar for filters).
Granted, I can use Ctrl+F for that but that's annoying on say, mobile devices for example.

Seeing as this is mostly QOL I wouldn't mind too much if this never made it into the game, but hey, it's a beta, so I figured I'd give some feedback on things I found.

What do you think about a dropdown or buttons that break up the list by "type" or "Location" in addition to what's there already. It would put all the events of the same type together separated by a horizontal line. I'm considering something similar for the Assets page too.
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Posts: 7

Posts: 7
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you mean but if it's what I think you mean, why not make it the default even?
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