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O Crowding Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 17

Posts: 17
OK, if I am reading the materials correctly. I get penalized for someone else manufacturing too much in the same location. So Level 1 producing, 16 units at 59% OC would not be worth producing even if I did not plan to sell any of the items at that location. I would be getting 4 items out of this production run or would it be 16 at the added cost? Either way, this is to the advantage of larger players and makes it to the disadvantage of all. It would be fair if the individual overproducing received the penalty and other receive a bonus or at least not a penalty, in my opinion.
edited by IanAlexander on 9/2/2016
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
It doesn't affect the amount of production, it affects the cost. at 100% overcrowding the structure essentially costs twice as much to produce, you might as well be mining a resource of value 8 for the same money. Overcrowding is what make the lower value resources become viable as more and more people start to mine the highest resource around.

...Saying 100% overcrowding costs double is also inaccurate because the overcrowding percentage actually becomes part of the total bonus. If you look at your structure and go to the production tab you see the bonuses you get from your Corp HQ being there and your tech. Logistics can cause a penalty and so does overcrowding.
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Posts: 17

Posts: 17
Don't see that perspective at all, I see that if a larger player gets to an area first and over builds it, no one else is allowed the same advantage. By that I mean grouping of resources or proximity to ones HQ. I have no choice but to build in an OC area to get the resource combination that I need to complete the most efficient/practical means to more wealth for the company. Thank you for explaining though, I appreciate your input, and making it simpler to understand.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
IanAlexander wrote:
Don't see that perspective at all, I see that if a larger player gets to an area first and over builds it, no one else is allowed the same advantage. By that I mean grouping of resources or proximity to ones HQ. I have no choice but to build in an OC area to get the resource combination that I need to complete the most efficient/practical means to more wealth for the company. Thank you for explaining though, I appreciate your input, and making it simpler to understand.

That's not true though, there are DOZENS of resources locations for every resource that planet type is known for. If there is Overcrowding happening in one location and you can't negotiate with the others then you should find another resource at a lower value and slowly move to it. If you're on a value 15 resource but it has 20% overcrowding, you might as well go to a value 12 resource without overcrowding (20% of 15 = 3).

If everyone is mining a highly overcrowded resource, they aren't making much money if at all because its costing them too much to mine there. And if everyone is mining every resource into overcrowding, they are probably dropping the price of the demand lower and lower until it just isn't sustainable. That is the balancing mechanic of the resources.

i'm having this identical problem trying to farm on earth, it is becoming crowded in every farm on the planet and we're moving more and more to the lower value ones but they are all taken at some level.

The Overcrowding penalty might be coming in too early or too strong thats why we're testing like this. Or in the case of farming there isn't enough farming spots to supply the planet and the system. Farming makes 10 different products and needs to be mined 3-5x what the other resources do. There needs to be more of them even at lower values.
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