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Two Planet Start Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Heyo everyone

I was just thinking about the way this beta started - because of a glitch we had basically a Sol+2 planets start which was not quite as intended...

However I happen to really like this happy accident as it does give an opportunity to open up the galaxy somewhat faster which I think is a good thing!

What does everyone else think?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Only one system is supposed to be able to spawn a new system when it reaches a certain point, 10 cities,and it activates the closest nearby system, to it. I turned off Wolf system so it want spawn another system, and left Sirius alone so it will.

If anything there are too many systems opening up to fast. The other open systems are barely populated. Restricting the systems is designed to focus players into one until it gets going. he cities are spawning quickly because the resources out there are high.and people are mining them heavy.

I wonder if we should make a mechanic change to Overcrowding where all structures get a BONUS for sharing space with other industry located there but still keep the overcrowding penalty that starts to kick in when too much mining against a resource is happening. So you will be attracted to build in the same city everyone else is building in, not just resources but factories etc.

Perhaps instead we make a totally separate "City Bonus" where you get a bonus to all production based on the city population or use a Count of Structure levels present at the location as a bonus to everyone there. That would make Cities more attractive to aggregate into and more incentive to build them up
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Posts: 35

Posts: 35
Maybe it should be 10 cities of max or maybe max minus one size, so if we want a new system to open we have to get creative about supplying cities so that they keep growing. Course we will need more logistics to do that. smile Have to be able to build a bunch of different factory types.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
That would leave some planets completely without cities. I see that the new systems should have at least the potential to develop to the level of Sol - there are 40 cities just on Earth.

I can see Dread's point of view that systems are opening up too fast - it's true that both Odegard and Gulyaev are still very sparsely populated - mea culpa in part I have been deliberately creating cities because its the fastest way to develop a planetary economy.

Lets see how things grow from here smile
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