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Contracts Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 4

Posts: 4
So, I know this topic has been brought up about mercenary contracts a while back, which I think is great, but there are other types of contracts that I think would be useful. I think loans would be incredibly useful for large companies with extra cash to lend to new, fledgling corps, earning interest on their payments. Venture Capitalism, Investing, and Partnership contracts could be drafted to give investors equity in other companies, taking a portion of profit. Similarly, a stock exchange could be created for companies to offer shares of their companies.

There comes a point in this game where it becomes less and less profitable to expand production, whether due to overcrowding, logistics penalties, maintaining distribution, etc. Contracts such as these would allow large corporations to use their excess capital to lend to and invest in companies with less capital to spend. I think this is the one thing missing from this game; it is excellent otherwise and I'm excited to see where it goes.
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