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Posts: 36
I bought 1000 Accessories at the value of $34 it should have costed me $68 dollars for 1 unit equalling $68000 but I found I paid $315100 dollars for the product. I have check all my orders of my units and that was the only thing I was buying at the time.

I also bought 1000 Small Appliances for value of $19 dollars a unit which should have been $38 dollars each equalling $38000 but paid $167130 for this product I found this today I have been being buying stuff from Cities when they have been under 20 dollars a unit and selling them where I can make profit so far it is the only time I found this to happen.

Is there a reason for this.
edited by Cainon on 9/23/2016
edited by Cainon on 9/23/2016
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