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About the voting system for/against fads. Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Heyo there I was wondering what you all thought of the current voting system for fads.

I like that there are events which you can work with to influence the development of cities and markets (great stuff!).

The way that your current industrial activity is how strong your votes are is also working very well I think.

But I do have a couple of concerns:

First - the time to vote. You have 100 turns to cast your vote, which in practice is a little shy of 17 hours. That means you would need to log in every 12 hours to be able to not miss votes. While I am sure we would all LOVE to be able to log in so frequently, at times alas it is not to be and that leads to some problems - missing a vote or two can be devastating for the local economy (I've seen cities lose up to 2/3rds of their population because of this) so maybe we could have a somewhat longer period for the vote? Say 200 turns? It would not really have any practical effect on the impact but would be fairer and not leave you with that nasty feeling of thinking you should have tried to log in first thing in the morning.

Second - The wording. Oh the wording. Really this is confusing - sometimes allowing a fad increases the demand, sometimes it reduces it, the lack of consistency turns into a reading comprehension effort where it is relatively easy to be caught out. Full disclosure only got caught out once so far (had four votes lined up that day) but still it seems needlessly complex, and particularly rough on non-native speakers of English. Maybe have something more consistent or a summary of the effect on the actual lines of voting? But consistency would be best here.

Was wondering what you all thought about this - also would love to know if anyone had ideas for other kinds of events!
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Posts: 35

Posts: 35
I agree -- both with the timing and the wording.
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