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Consumption of Resources excluding Sol System Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 36

Posts: 36
I would like to ask you about consumption of a resources for a city and its demand. I see most Cities are loosing population most of their resources are in very high figures, Population have declined Canmer is at 90k Western 90k in the Gulyaev system and are examples once western I was selling resources to quite frequently. Ary and Dublin and Musca in Odegard System have also declined and see them also getting to 90k withing the next one or two weeks.

My other example is Kent I just sold 2500 spices over the past day to Kent with has a population of 4.3 Million people and I have not made a dent in the Demand for that Resource I also sold some Veg and Fruits there but I can see that this city will also diminish overtime.

What do you work your demand off for Resources and Civilian Services.
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