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Asset Screen Overhaul / Modes Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
This weeks update was a major change tot he way the Assets page works. Now there are "modes" to the asset screen. The default is the Overview which acts just like the original grid. The Structure mode breaks the list of structures by location and shows a sum of all the required components for that location. The Military mode shows a Sum of the Military units by location, even if they are carried or in a group. The Product Mode shows a SUM of all your products and then displays Buy Sell Average Demand stats on all your product types over the last 100 turns. The Item mode is honestly the same grid filtered to the items only, if someone has an idea on how to display the items differently let us know =)

We're still experimenting with what to show in these modes. If you really feel we need something please mention it.

There was also a catastrophic bug where every unit in the game that upgraded updated every unit in the game with its stats. It has been corrected and every unit should be back to normal again, this was only in effect for 30 minutes or so. This also fixes the problem of artifact effects not sticking once they took damage or logistics changed.

This next week we're going to try to overhaul Farm and Pasture Structures to only have 5 products each. This is to balance the structures against the others. There is a problem with overcrowding when one resource type is responsible for 10 different products.

In addition we want to combine the "Services" products to be under 3 structures by their category instead of individual ones. There will be a Public Services, Infrastructure and Recreation Structure which can produce any of the 6-8 services that are in that category. We might be changing the required components for those products also, increasing them or doubling them, but make the value of the product be at least doubled also to 1000 per unit. This makes it much more practical and cheaper logistically to make service structures.

Another idea is to make it possible for the service structures, any component structure actually, to provide more than one service / product at a time if it has the components available. This would relive the problem of having several different structures required to cover all the products at a steady rate. We want to experiment with that feature on the service structures but no guarantee it will happen
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