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Posts: 1
sorry if this is addressed elsewhere, but I think there was something in the tutorial about changing up where you send your transport to sell your product based on demand, but i'm having trouble finding out the demands on the various cities. I can see the percentage, value, and volume numbers for the planet on the viewscreen, and there are some other numbers for the cities below but i'm not sure what they mean. any help would be appreciated
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Sharkymcsharks wrote:
sorry if this is addressed elsewhere, but I think there was something in the tutorial about changing up where you send your transport to sell your product based on demand, but i'm having trouble finding out the demands on the various cities. I can see the percentage, value, and volume numbers for the planet on the viewscreen, and there are some other numbers for the cities below but i'm not sure what they mean. any help would be appreciated

There is a Guide page on the website

Guide to Demand

But here's the gist of it. I assume you're mining resources of some kind, they are worth the same as the demand percentage 100 credits each at 100% (normal) demand. If the demand is 350% then you'll get 350 per unit. Say you're on your planet and you're mining Beef, you're selling it through your corp HQ or Pasture factory to the city you are in. The price eventually gets lower when you start to sell a lot of that product so you look to ship some to a nearby city.

You can go to the Viewscreen and then hit Demand tab, then drill down through Raw Materials and Meats and actually click on the product you're interested in, lets say Beef. Zoom out so you see the entire planet you are on., There is a grid in the lower left called "top 10". It will show you every city and the demand for that particular product. When you are not drilled down to a particular product it shows you the average. That's the easiest way to search for a high demand city for your product at a glance. You can see the planet and how close they are to wherever you are based at. the "Volume" is how much you can buy or sell from that city for that product in a single turn. Selling the maximum will bring the demand down 1%. All demand goes up naturally at about 0.1% a turn but in Sol System the demand is regulated to stay within a range and goes up or down slower as it reaches the 50 or 150.

Once you get a freighter, you can look at the entire system you are in if youlike. But you should stick to a planet unless you're selling down everything in it.
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