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General topics about Barons of the Galaxy

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Posts: 12

Posts: 12
Ok, guys. So we have a problem.
This game is a great turn-based strategy with strong economics and other cool features, but it lacks players.
I suppose we should go to mmorpg.com and rate it in attempt to bring more people here.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I do get most of my hits from MMOrpg.com. I post in there occasionally for unrelated things but Barons of the Galaxy is in my signature.

We're still in Open Beta and no real advertising, we don't except throngs of people flooding the game. But since we're on the subject...

We get anywhere from 1-12 new accounts on the website a day (I have a graph) I would say we average 4-5 a day. There's about 40-50 distinct players logging in every day for quite some time. I'm not tracking how many people have stopped playing but the system currently liquidate corporations without a login in a months time and currently there is no corporation deletion. I feel we're currently getting a steady churn of new players replacing ones that have stopped. I think about 2 out of 3 players stop playing within a few days.

The game has barely any events in it at all right now which is suppose to be half the game. The Market game by itself probably gets dull after a couple of months with no real events or combat happening. Once we get some real content into the game things should get a lot more interesting. Should be a lot more players surging when we actually go live.

We are shooting for 500 active players with at least 10% paying sometime in the first year after launch. That would be considered a success. We've had over 600 signs up since Open beta launched 3-4 months ago we're probably on track for that.
edited by DrDread on 11/17/2016
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