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Contracting prices & Combat spreadsheets Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 12

Posts: 12
I will devide this post in to parts.

I was thinking of calculating real contract price for mil units and artifacts. What things one should consider and include into total sell price?
In example with infantry:
Let's say we use HQ to build infantry unit. It takes 20 turns and cost 50k. Then we upgrade it to lvl 10 which will cost us 5kk, calculate upkeep cost while upgrading which is 800+3200+7200+12800+20000+80000+500000+500000+500000=1624000(if i did the math right XD). That is 6624000$ in total and 2000 turns to upgrade and ofc you want your time to be payed. Let's say we could produce raw material all this time with lvl 1 structure with avarage profit from 1 turn with bonuses of 10*100*2(demand 200%)-750(prod cost)=1250. Multiply by 2000 turns and result another 2500000. So lvl 10 Infantry self cost is 9124000$.
Now what about producing infantry with upgraded Military Base? It has shorter production time and will reduce total price by upkeep cost. I wish i had easy accesable data of this things.
Same thing is for Artifacts.

Would like to read any suggestions and ideas over this question.

I started to make spreadsheet to calculate combat damage and HP loss in mass combat, but my knowledge of excel or even coding is pretty short. Did anyone tried to build some sort of this? Let's cooperate and maybe create separate topic.
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