Official news and announcements from the game.
Kickstarter planned for February 8th, 2016
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
We've been shooting for an early January Kickstarter campaign but we feel we need some more time to get the game working and looking good enough to make a video out of. We also need some time to put together a video that has something meaningful to show. Second week of February looks pretty good. It's also Chinese new year I think, purely coincidence =)
When the Kickstarter goes up we'll email everyone and let them know. We're probably shooting for only about $6,000 for the campaign and that's going to go mostly to artist for the units. We have everything we need for the game already. It's almost finished, we already own the webserver and all the software (this site is running on our own server hosted at a co-location). I'm a website and database programmer, my friends and even my wife who are supporting this project are all Network admins, database admins and IT managers. I have no doubt there will be snags and problems but I hope we're at least qualified to handle it =)
Also, Our "Coins" as backer rewards came in. We got a lot of 100 of them so we can hand some out to media. They are really nice looking. I want to try to get a picture of them up here soon.
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
Our Kickstarter campaign and video is ready! It is set to launch on Feb 8th, 2016. In the meantime you can see a preview of it here and give feedback if you like! edited by DrDread on 2/1/2016