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Posts: 3

Posts: 3
i been playing this game for only about a day now why is it we have to start in the sol system and can we move our hq to another system?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
You can build structures anywhere, its just your Corp HQ can't move out of the Sol System., That is the only limitation of a free account. The outer cities have elections for players to become rulers, candidates are the ones with Corp HQs in those cities.

The cities outside of Sol are spawned in areas of high player industry, usually mining resources and if enough products are sold there, they will grow, otherwise they will eventually collapse.

If you're interested, We're still offering our Kickstarter rewards. It only takes $2 to get a paid account through the beta and then for a month when the game goes live. There is a link from the subscription page.

You aren't missing out on too much with your Corp HQ being stuck in Sol. There are only a few cities out there right now. you can still sell products to those system or even build industry out there.. It just takes some time to ship a few ACP items out there.
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Posts: 3

Posts: 3
thanks my plan is to move to a system and own a whole system at some point i just was wondering about it smile if i donate and move and produce stuff could i then sell them to the sol system
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We've had several city rulers and one planetary ruler but never had enough to get a Star Lord going.

Cities used to be easy to "create" just by putting a lot of industry there but we've changed it so the cities that don't have anything sold to them and their populations fall will eventually collapse and disappear. Also, for a second city per planet to be created, there needs to be about 10 mil population in the first one before more can spawn.

It takes 3 city rulers elected on a planet before an election for a planetary emperor shows up. And it takes 3 planetary emperors in place before a Star Lord election will fire. We haven't seen a Star Lord yet.

There are several people shipping stuff to and from the other systems. If you zoom out on the view screen so you can see the other stars and then pick the "Military" tab you should see a few ships in route.

Looking at the Sol system and clicking the Military tab is fun also, shows all the traffic running around betweenplanets
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