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Allowing elections in Sol System Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We are considering allowing elections for ruler ship in the Sol System. Normally only paid accounts can locate their HQ outside of Sol and Only cities outside of Sol can have elections. If we allow them within Sol then it would still be only paid accounts that can be elected. There is a difference inside Sol however, the Terran Federation will still defend the cities and may even attack you in your own city. Having unlimited free defenders in a highly populated City in Sol system also makes those cities a lot more desirable (perhaps) than establishing a city outside Sol. Elected players also receive income based on the city's population. A population that can't die off and doesn't really need to be maintained by the way. We can't think of a good difference between being elected inside Sol vs outside Sol which makes it more desirable. The resources outside of sol are a lot higher than inside Sol, that is really the only difference outside of elections.
We want to know anyone's thoughts on this and any ideas on what the difference or penalty for being elected within Sol might be.
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