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City name changing Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 19

Posts: 19
What about the idea to have the possibility to (mabye vote) for changing a city name,
initiated by either city ruler or better planetary emperor.

At the moment there are some quite big cities with millions of people,
who have to send home postcards with insertboringcityname_12 .

Think about the letdown the ones left behind must feel:
.. "well.. I thought you were working someplace more special, with flair, you know ? " wink

So maybe we can have a radom name generator (there are some cool ones out there) or a big list to pick from (like the backer one)
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
The names outside of Sol aren't going to stay that way, they will all get original names. Its something I can do today if I really wanted to. Part of the Kickstarter rewards were to name your own city is why they were never set up.
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