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New Hostile Raiders and earning bounty on them Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We modified the event system and Hostile Raiders event to allow you to earn significant payouts for attacking and destroying their bases when they show up. The level of the base and units are now randomized, which can go from annoying to scary. The payout is the total value of all the raider units and the base which is usually anywhere from a few million to 20 million or more. If the base is destroyed, the payout is dispersed to all the Attacking corps against the raider base or its units and divided up by the how much damage those corps sustained while fighting them. The corps who bore the brunt of the damage will get paid bigger percentage of the total. It only tracks the attacks against them not defending damage, like when they attack your factory.

We want to give the military players something to do on a regular basis so we're going to introduce a few more events like this one with different scenarios so players with big forces can make money with their military. There will probably be different raider variations such as pirates with ships, or marauders with one big capital ship harassing a planet. We're also working on making a couple of the NPC pirate factions, Commonwealth and Dark Star have sprawling bases in every star system which are used with other events, such as hiring pirates to attack particular pirates or players. The data tracking we added can be used to do things like "Faction Points" corps earn over time with the Commonwealth and is used for event voting or who they will help or attack when certain events show up.

Events are what we are focusing on this month, some minor changes will also show up here and there also.

There was also an overlooked addition to accounting. Combat Costs. It costs a small percentage in increased upkeep when your units attack, something like 20%. Just be warned that if you attack a few ground units with a fleet of battleships and 800 bombers, it might cost you millions =)
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