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Additional buy option Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 47

Posts: 47
Is it possible to add another buy option for transport units to buy max volume from the market instead of fixed numbers?
For example now you constantly have to adjust the numbers to avoid your transport will wait another turn just to add another quantity of 1 on top of 929 because you have set the number to buy a total of 930 and the market volume has decreased since you have a loop order set to buy from that city.

So basically a third option beside 'Fill Cargo' and Fixed 'Quantity' , which is 'Max Volume' from one turn
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
BaronOfThGalaxy wrote:
Is it possible to add another buy option for transport units to buy max volume from the market instead of fixed numbers?
For example now you constantly have to adjust the numbers to avoid your transport will wait another turn just to add another quantity of 1 on top of 929 because you have set the number to buy a total of 930 and the market volume has decreased since you have a loop order set to buy from that city.

So basically a third option beside 'Fill Cargo' and Fixed 'Quantity' , which is 'Max Volume' from one turn

How about a "Buy for X Turns" option. So it will buy as much as it can but not for more than 3 turns, or 1 turn (or whatever you choose) so you can guarantee a unit won't get stuck trying to buy for 12 turns at a low volume place AND/OR one that has 6 other people trying to buy or sell to it also. The volume is a limit on everyone there and there could be a traffic jam of ships trying to buy or sell

That would cause some problems when selling though. If you tried to sell for 3 round and only dumped half your product then go back around for a loop. I also have to say that if you are max dumping the volume every round for 100 round, you have dropped the demand by 100 in under a day.

Also, little known related nuance, Products sitting on a ship do NOT cost storage
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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
Yea that would be perfect to be able to allow it to stay only for 1 turn for buying/importing products for this situation.
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