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Downloadable application Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 47

Posts: 47
I want to bring in the suggestion for a downloadable application of BotG.

What I'm experiencing right now is getting somewhat tired of the waiting delay when going through information data on the map etc, like when you click on a city, than click demand tab for example, click back to overview map again, just already these few steps is trying to make me do it as less as possible since I just want to look at 1 product it's demands which feels like ages lol.

An application just showing all the information data you requested from a map area would be great already, that would instantly pop up the information I'm looking for because that small delay every click I make is killing me right not, but it could be me only.
And maybe also reduces the load on servers since it doesn't have to send data more than one time with 1 turn, because now when clicking back to something it is always refreshing.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
BaronOfThGalaxy wrote:
I want to bring in the suggestion for a downloadable application of BotG.

What I'm experiencing right now is getting somewhat tired of the waiting delay when going through information data on the map etc, like when you click on a city, than click demand tab for example, click back to overview map again, just already these few steps is trying to make me do it as less as possible since I just want to look at 1 product it's demands which feels like ages lol.

An application just showing all the information data you requested from a map area would be great already, that would instantly pop up the information I'm looking for because that small delay every click I make is killing me right not, but it could be me only.
And maybe also reduces the load on servers since it doesn't have to send data more than one time with 1 turn, because now when clicking back to something it is always refreshing.

The UI Isn't optimized at all right now, it can definitely work better and we're going to address it towards the end. But we really want to make more reports for stuff like this so you don't have to navigate the screens which have a dozen different grids on them.

By the way do you know you can look at an entire planet or star system on the viewscreen and then hit "Show Data" on the right side of the screen and it will put it into a grid. Similar to when you're zoomed into a city. Also when you're looking a the demand grid, you can click on the top ten cities on the lower left and it should hold the demand grid in place. There is also one report on the report tab that allows you to look at all the demand for particular product or category going across a planet or system. Not sure what information you're trying to gather exactly.
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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
Yes that sounds better to have less navigation into reports, while the navigation itself I personally have no problem with but the delay on your click request is going to work on your nerves after a period, but more information or options to enable it on screen is diffidently going to reduce the annoyens by a lot.
Maybe a request button to show every city of a planet and all it's information on grids ordered by cities which you are able to scroll down on a page, and buttons on the top to quickly bring you to the right part on the page, like clicking a city name and it will scroll you automatically to the grids showing all the information of that city.
Than you only have to refresh it only once each turn and have the all the information about a planet with one click on screen.

I've Looked into the Show Data tab but this all gives an overall view of the planet status, I really need to look specifically in every city to see price changes and compare stuff and catching stuff with the eye and looking into information of specific cities.
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Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Perhaps even have an iframe for only market data so you can stay on the same buy/sell/orders screen and navigate the market data at the same time.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Orexis wrote:
Perhaps even have an iframe for only market data so you can stay on the same buy/sell/orders screen and navigate the market data at the same time.

You can open up multiple tabs or windows, looking at the viewscreen on one while messing with unit orders on another
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Posts: 19

Posts: 19
I'm already using several tabs when doing stuff, especially viewscreen and assets need to be open in parallel. I noticed, that session timeouts are a problem then, can we mabye somehowincrease the duration before such an timeout occurs? I need to to use tab reloader plugins to not be kicked time and again, which becomes quite annoying over the course of a day, having to login every 30 min maybe..
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Zangorian wrote:
I'm already using several tabs when doing stuff, especially viewscreen and assets need to be open in parallel. I noticed, that session timeouts are a problem then, can we mabye somehowincrease the duration before such an timeout occurs? I need to to use tab reloader plugins to not be kicked time and again, which becomes quite annoying over the course of a day, having to login every 30 min maybe..

If you are using "Save Login" from the login page, you shouldn't have to log in again even if you refresh the page 3 hours later. Are you not saving your password for fear of Russian Cyber Ninjas hacking your BotG Account? =)
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Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Doctor Dread wrote:
Orexis wrote:
Perhaps even have an iframe for only market data so you can stay on the same buy/sell/orders screen and navigate the market data at the same time.

You can open up multiple tabs or windows, looking at the viewscreen on one while messing with unit orders on another

Yep I do that already and end up with lots of tabs, which is why I was suggesting the iframe wink Just figure it'll help the game feel more up-to-date as well - Not sure if you've ever used jquery/ajax but I've seen similar implementations with them as well.
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