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Reduce impact of high demand on population growth Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 20

Posts: 20
An example with raw materials:
Basic Minerals 36.1 36 803
Exotic Minerals 589.6 589 803
Precious Minerals 53.6 53 800

Although I'm providing quite a lot of stuff and even selling without much profit, the very high demand of Exotic Minerals does negate all my efforts regarding population growth.

Regarding population growth, I'd like to have Max(DemandDiff, 200) per good. Or at least Max(DemandDiff, 400).
That way, the very high demand of one single product does not have such a big impact.

I think that the summed up view (all minerals)in the viewscreen should show keep the absolute value - the main reason to look at these values is to detect profitable trades/production.
But for growth calcuation, I'd like a lessend impact of missing goods.

Another way to reach that goal would be to reduce maximum demand to 600%.
Reduce demand growth - just like the reduced growth of population (-1% per million) - would also solve it. That way, it will take much longer to reach 1000%, giving other players time to seize the oppurtunity and make a good profit at the location.
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