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Public Services Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Currently there doesn't seem to be a significant lure for anyone to generate public services. Even at high demand values, there are plenty of other tier 3 products that you can find near 1000 demand for and being able to produce everything in one spot and transport it makes a big difference.

I propose that factories which build public services like roads/restaurants produce goods just like every other factory.with the following changes to still keep it slightly more realistic:

1) Construction material storage volume will be 10 compared to the normal 1
2) City trade volumes for construction materials will be 1/10th of normal
3) Sell value of construction materials will be 10x normal
4) Construction material Factories produce 1 base unit instead of 10
5) Storage volume for public services will be 100 compared to the normal 1
6) City trade volumes for public services will be 1/100th of normal
7) Sell value of public services will be 100x normal
8) public service Factories produce 1 base unit instead of 10

The logic here is profit, cost to produce, etc all stay the exact same, you just have construction materials being in single 10x the size units that sell for 10x the price and are produced at 1/10th the rate, and the same for public services which will take 10x the amount of construction materials and other resources but will be huge in size and value. This also means you need big transports to move them around which makes sense for trying to transport entire restaurants or parks. You could rename items like parks to "Park Construction Unit" or something.

Another alternative which would be much simpler to code would be simply allowing public services to generate size 1 products as normal and just renaming them to things like "Restaurant supply package" or "Road construction materials" to still have it make sense.

Overall I just think needing 3 different factories in every single city in order to provide it public resources is a huge turnoff, especially since product efficiency is at high factory levels, and this style causes you to have tons of low level factories instead of a few high levels.

Let me know what you guys think
edited by Orexis on 2/26/2017
edited by Orexis on 2/26/2017
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