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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
1# Multiple languages
2# Payment methods
3# Prices
4# Bonuses

1. Multiple languages of this game for example all top 10 spoken languages on our planet.
And beside that the top 10 countries which have the highest ratio of people involved into gaming culture, for let's say maybe it's a country with 100k people but 50k of them is into gaming, imo this would be even more important than top 10 spoken language around the whole planet. (like in Poland I know there are many many people playing computer games)
This will expand the accessibility considerably, beside that it's not always the accessabilty of understanding a foreign language, most cases it's also because it's spoken in your own language which like to attract.

2. Popular Payment methods beside PayPal for each country* like for example I Iive in the Netherlands where the payment method 'iDeal' is being used as most popular after PayPal which is an instant bank transfer.
For people who are not able to use paywall or for whatever other reason they are unable to use that method.

3. True prices for currencies, for example 5 dollar or euro is not 5 UK pounds or Australian pounds, you can price is that way but it'll make you look like a dck :P
Maybe there could be a reason for let's say server costs in the UK are twice as high as the average around the globe, for whatever reason you use servers there and how many of the income is used to maintain and keep the game online.
But that just requires communication towards your player base in such cases lol

4. Bonuses you get for paying extra like 500million starting money I consider myself stuff belonging one of the most laming stuff that ever happened in history of mankind, people exchanging their currencies for non-valuable currencies (virtual money).
Nearly every game does this kind of stuff yes, which is actually a scam on global scale.(no joke)
Also I prefer to build your capital from scratch starting the same as everyone, and not having the ability to pay real money to get fake money.
Just to pay premium and have extended abilities and support the game or to play for free and is restricted and 'maybe' later start supporting the game.
But that's how I look at it :P

Anyway these ideas are to expand the accessibility by considerable amount if not already planned and also makes the players of this game aware they are threatened as fair as possible, which is an exotic rare in this industry.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
BaronOfThGalaxy wrote:
1# Multiple languages
2# Payment methods
3# Prices
4# Bonuses

1. Multiple languages of this game for example all top 10 spoken languages on our planet.
And beside that the top 10 countries which have the highest ratio of people involved into gaming culture, for let's say maybe it's a country with 100k people but 50k of them is into gaming, imo this would be even more important than top 10 spoken language around the whole planet. (like in Poland I know there are many many people playing computer games)
This will expand the accessibility considerably, beside that it's not always the accessabilty of understanding a foreign language, most cases it's also because it's spoken in your own language which like to attract.

2. Popular Payment methods beside PayPal for each country* like for example I Iive in the Netherlands where the payment method 'iDeal' is being used as most popular after PayPal which is an instant bank transfer.
For people who are not able to use paywall or for whatever other reason they are unable to use that method.

3. True prices for currencies, for example 5 dollar or euro is not 5 UK pounds or Australian pounds, you can price is that way but it'll make you look like a dck :P
Maybe there could be a reason for let's say server costs in the UK are twice as high as the average around the globe, for whatever reason you use servers there and how many of the income is used to maintain and keep the game online.
But that just requires communication towards your player base in such cases lol

4. Bonuses you get for paying extra like 500million starting money I consider myself stuff belonging one of the most laming stuff that ever happened in history of mankind, people exchanging their currencies for non-valuable currencies (virtual money).
Nearly every game does this kind of stuff yes, which is actually a scam on global scale.(no joke)
Also I prefer to build your capital from scratch starting the same as everyone, and not having the ability to pay real money to get fake money.
Just to pay premium and have extended abilities and support the game or to play for free and is restricted and 'maybe' later start supporting the game.
But that's how I look at it :P

Anyway these ideas are to expand the accessibility by considerable amount if not already planned and also makes the players of this game aware they are threatened as fair as possible, which is an exotic rare in this industry.

Aren't languages easy to implement through the browser now? Even On the main website, there is a "choose Your Language" dropdown at the very bottom of every page. You can make the entire site go Russian if you like. I didn't add that google translator to the main game yet though. But I know google chrome can translate any web page. It's not perfect because the text of other languages breaks the UI in a lot of places, but it works.

Payment methods, these are tricky to set up. Every company does it differently. I want to have more than PayPal because we do get a lot of other countries playing this game so we'll see what other ones we can get in there.
True prices? Ughhh, how about the Euros get a deal and the other countries end up paying a but more and we'll call it even =)

The "Pay for Virtual Money" thing we are planning to do is probably the most fair when it comes to these types of games. Its only allowed once and it will only get your started, you can't buy it later when you're already higher level, AND the higher tiers won't be available until the normal players have reached those higher levels. There won't be any "OMG you attacked me let me drop $50 and murder you" kind of action here.
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