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Movement orders no longer have an "Arrival Delay" Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
A major change that was easy to implement went in today.

Normally when a unit is moving it stop at its destination for the turn and then does its next order on the next turn. That has been changed. If a units movement that turn puts it at its destination, it will immediately switch to its next order in the list and execute it as normal that same turn. That means if you set a unit to move to a location and then attack that location your unit will attack it on the same turn he arrives there.

That not only saves a turn of time for every movement order you unit has it also has a nuanced but major effect of making "Chase downs" possible. It was impossible to "Chase" a unit and attack it while chasing it because you couldn't attack on the same turn that you moved on top of the other unit. Movement happens before combat so unless the unit was standing still OR you were set to attack the location you were already in, predicting the other unit was going to show up there next turn based on its route you could never really hit a moving target and definitely not more than one turn. Now that is possible. In fact if you know a units route, you can set up your attacker with the same route with attack orders between every movement and pound on it every turn.

Unless of course that unit is a little faster than yours.... =)

Also the Assets page should be showing the other order types int he notes now. Wait, Loop, Transfer, Deploy, Search
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