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Contracts for Product Stacks Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
These last few days we worked on making it possible to sell a standing stack of product as is, much the same way you can sell a military unit. You can still make a contract for delivering a certain type of product over a certain amount of time but now you can also just pick an existing stack and sell that without delivery, it will just change owners and transfer money on that turn. On the Contract drop down list for the type of Asset to Trade it should be called "List My Product Stacks".

If the Stack is currently on another unit. It will drop to ground first. If it was set to salvage, it will cancel the salvage. The stack can very well change quantity or disappear from turn to turn but what you see on the contract on the turn you're looking at it should be what it will be when the transfer goes through if you accept that contract. The contract transfer goes before anything else in the turn

We also made a few minor changes here and there. Geo Booster won't spam a comms message anymore. Gaia Booster and the Stellar one for the system still will.

There are some more quality of life changes with the UI I would like to make but I'm pushing them back for now.

The remaining things I want to get into the game before a Beta Restart are:

Mining Asteroids
Payment System
Dark Star / Commonwelath NPC events

Depending on how fast that goes in we might be looking at a Beta Restart at the end of the month. Then during that month things like payment system and cleanup will happen without any new features
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