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Star bases, Warp gates, Orbital rings Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 29

Posts: 29
Hi, in a message of the game I read Serendipity's mentioning about Star bases (or stations I suppose), Warp Gates, Orbital rings, and Doom cannon (not sure what this shall be).
Since it was on my list of suggestions yet never posted anything about this, here is how I would see it.

Projects like these should be horrendously expensive, like 5-10 Trillion credits, and would be team or guild efforts. The construction would also happen in steps or layers (a bit like levels), so perhaps the more participants to finance it, the quicker progress for finishing it. Eventually sending adequate resources could help finishing the project just as much as financing it.

When ready, any player may use the compound, yet for a fee per use (or turn) - with reduced fee corresponding to their participation for players involved in the financing of the structure they use - this way maintenance and upkeep can also be integrated for the massive structure, if neglected and with lesser use or income it would degrade or be leveled down, if it comes to it perhaps it could even be liquidated and redistribution of its worth (at a much lower than new rated value) to involved companies in its built could be effected.

About the utility and application of Stations, Rings and Gates, that remains to be discussed I guess.
Yet I am sure Serendipity/Doctor Dread and the developers already thought about all this ..

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