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Minimum stockpile Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 2

Posts: 2
I'm fairly new to this game, but I don't think there is a way to have a minimum stockpile that your transports won't load.

For example, if you want a minimum of 500 chemicals (for your factories, etc) and have 1500 in storage. If you have a transport, it would only pick up a maximum of 1000 chemicals.

Is this feature going to be added?
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Posts: 67

Posts: 67
Hutton wrote:
You could tell the transport to just load 1000. Or, if this is for a looped order, you could tell it to load all and then drop 500 before departing.

That doesn't quite work though, as each action takes 1 turn, so after you "load all" you would have a turn with no resources before it unloads the ammount needed, therefore leaving you with without production materials half the time, also this makes your transports take eons to do things as they need two turns for every stop.

I get where he is comming from, the game is simple when your just selling basic resources, but once you move into end products, it becomes micromanagement hell, on top of micromanagement superhell. This feature would help immensely. In every other game this isn't needed, as you just keep a stockpile, but in barons your actively penalized for stockpiling even just a little.
edited by Valhalla on 4/15/2017

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