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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Two quick questions.

First - can a single unit get the same artifact bonus three times?

e.g. can a carrier get 3x (AX) Dimensional Hypercube for a 250% increase in base hangar space?

And if so - how does it work? Say I have a maxxed out carrier for hangar space

Base hangar space: 150

1st Hypercube - 375 hangar space

2nd Hypercube - is it 937 hangar space (assuming 375 base hangar space) or is it 600 hangar space (assuming 150 base hangar space)?

I'd try it... but don't have enough time to build all those hypercubes!

One other thing - is there an artifact that increases the HPs of transports? The reason I ask is that with the MAK attacks all over the place having transports which have a chance of surviving the attacks starts to get interesting.
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