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Keeping track of company name changes Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Ok here is my question.

How are we supposed to keep track of a company fate and namechanges?

To some extent the question has to do with the basic premise of what is intended by the namechange.

A bit of background:

When searching for a specific company the tools which we are provided with favour looking to corps by name or alternatively by name of the player. However both of these can be changed at will for no cost.

So.. it's really easy for someone to do hit and runs and then change their names... Now if the goal of the name changes is to provide anonymity for hit and run attacks, ok fair enough but is it really?

It has kinda nasty after effects. I recently decided to retaliate against a corp which had destroyed some of my key assets.

So I looked up the name on the list of corps - not there, Neither was the player name.

So... I looked around for corps of the same level and found one which had the same sort of units, unit names etc.

I went after that corp and essentially flattened it's military power. An expensive proposition by the way, war is really expensive.

Turns out ... in spite of being closely similar they were two different corps, the original corp had been disbanded completely ...


So... to the basic question. How is it we are supposed to keep track of corps? Shouldn't there be a simple way of doing this?
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