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Planet Names Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 24

Posts: 24
I was curious, is there any possibility that non-solar planets might eventually be able to be named more gripping/homey/interesting things than Starname#? I'm not sure how the naming process would be accomplished. Possibly either randomly, like cities are now. Or maybe vote based by all current inhabitants? With dev veto of course.

I only ask because I have plans to relocate out of Sol permanently. And I didn't know if one day planets might take on a little bit more personality than they have now.
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Posts: 24

Posts: 24
I agree with Dread against microtransactions. I think voting on 10 random names (maybe from a pool of player submissions?) would be ideal.

And Badmaw, please don't hijack my thread with off-topic "advice" where you, yet again, try to tell Dread what to do. It doesn't make you any friends here. For the most part everyone is quite happy with Dread's design and direction choices. That's why we all play this game. Stop telling him "how it should be."

There is a right way and a wrong way to give constructive criticism. The right way offers a solution to a problem without pressuring the person to agree. The wrong way is foisting your preferences on the person regardless of creative intent.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I'm not looking to make millions with this game, and I don't even play this with my friends. They aren't into this kid of game. I'm not making a typical cash grab game based on the all the current "meta" for marketing a browser game. I'm trying something different =)

Naming planets might collide with the way planets are named now. where they are simply named after the system and then a roman numeral. It's easy to see all the "Centauri" planets at once in a search. But naming Cities would actually work well since they are all original names. We can make the Corp with the most industry on the planet when the city is spawning have the opportunity to name the planet based on 5 or 10 random pulls from the database,. Perhaps its simply a vote in the new city, first event vote for the cities name? The city isn't even active for the 100 turns until a vote on its name is determined. That vote is based on the corps industry at the location.
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
Perhaps keep planets searchable by their generic name by giving them a hidden searchable value that is identical to their original name but unchanging.

Like, Earth would have a hidden name of Sol III that gets a hit when searched, but only appears as Earth in the search.
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Posts: 24

Posts: 24
Okay, two thoughts:

1. "I'm not making a typical cash grab game based on the all the current "meta" for marketing a browser game. I'm trying something different =)"

This is exactly why I've supported this game and signal boost it to friends/viewers whenever I can. It's elevating gaming to art, over industry. (Ironic in an industrial/economic game)

2. I think a hidden "Sol III" tag would work, but I'd also be just as happy with "Earth (Sol III)" as a visible tag. Also, the fear regarding an initial set-up of the first few colonists naming a planet is that every unlocked star will result in a mad dash for naming rights. Unless that's what you'd want to go for.
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