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Several after launch adjustments have been made Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Its been a few days since launch and we already made several adjustments:

The Corp HQ Bonus of 25/15/10 for City/Planet/System location has been doubled to +50/+40/+25. That will make a new level 1 corp with one level of tech pay about 625 per turn for a factory instead of 750. You can be profitable selling your goods at demand 65 or so instead of 80. A level 10 corp with all tech in one product can run a level 1 factory for 400 a turn 40% demand is break even point for profitability. This widens the margin somewhat for newer players to remain profitable across an entire planet. We also found that it is a little more difficult to be profitable with resources at 100% demand than it is for components.

Waters Population effect was doubled to be 200% across all 9 population types. This essentially doubles the volume for water everywhere compared to all other products. Water is unique in it is the only product you can produce from the factory and is not used in any other products except for the tier 4 service products at which point it uses a lot. This makes it difficult to get into unless you have a thriving thirsty planet. Also, because Icy planets are quite common there a lot more water resources available. This made Waters actual demand quite low. Increasing its volume should help balance that out. We don't want to adjust it too far until we see how much demand for water there is when Service product demand starts to increase.

The events which cause products to go up and down in demand have been toned down. Increasing the demand of a product across a whole planet by 500 or dropping it to 10 within hours is causing a lot of lucky players to gloat at a lot of unlucky ones. There is luck in this game, but this is not a game of luck. The Demand event has been forced to be 1 point a turn increase, and the surplus event actually lowers by a percentage not a set amount. it will go down by about 50% over the 100 turns. That is a real 50% as in, if the demand was 800 it will go down to 400, if demand was 50 it will go down to 25. The popular and dangerous fads had there 300 increase and 200 decrease reduced to 200 and 100 respectively. You can still floor the price with Popular fad. We might increase the range of demand change for planet wide scope and even wider for city wide scope events. That way we CAN have large swings but only in smaller more localized locations.

There was a fix to having a component factory running at 50% capacity still using the same amount of components instead of half. This has been corrected. It is still displaying the 100% amount under required resources but it is actually taking the appropriate amount each turn. The fractional amounts are rounded up.

We are still chasing this weird bug that causes random and illegal amounts of product to pile onto your existing stacks. It seems to happen during events and with some combination of buying and selling the same product. We have not been able to replicate the bug. If someone can reliably make it happen we would love to look at it while its happening.

Its been a slightly difficult game, there are probably a dozen players in debt but another dozen that are doing very well buy buying low and selling high off of the events. Hopefully this comes towards the middle a little more with these changes. We'll see how it goes this week.

... Also, hostiles are starting to show up, Ask your elected city leader what they are going to do about it =)
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