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Player-Owned Shipping Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 123

Posts: 123
Player-Owned shipping companies might be cool. Maybe they would have to construct a building on each end of the route and be subject to piracy. To make this an "in demand" service, perhaps NPC (default) shipping could take a lot longer and upgrades speed it up even more.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
"Shipping" is not done via a "Route" really. You actually have your ships or transports given orders to pick up whatever goods, then move to another location, then drop them off or sell them, then loop back to first order. Along the way anyone else can see your ships moving and attack them if they like, camping out on the spot where they make their "turn" and attack that corporation. There is going to be a "Raid" option to attacks which will do less damage but steal cargo instead. This way you can make hit and runs and not have to actually blow freighters up to be a pirate. If you want to protect those freighters you can group them with fighting units, the whole group moves as one.

The people who run the planet and star system are probably gonna come after you, welcome to Barons of the Galaxy =)

Having a unit with orders like that looks like this

On the view screen when he's moving to Madrid he's that little arrow inside the green box

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