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Buying / Selling Sorting Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 51

Posts: 51
Hey Dr!

Again nice work on the stale turn / Buying Power tweaking. That's a doozy of a fix!

I wanted to suggest something for transports and freighters that might make life a little easier down the road.

1. When assigning orders and you have already told it to pick something up, is it possible to limit options in the "Sell" drop down menu to ONLY items in the orders queue? I don't know how funky it would be to call that value, but I feel like it would help with being able to manage transports with long loops more quickly.

2. Add a small visual indicator next to transports that represents an active BUY or SELL order in their order list. This could be a small Green (Sell) and Red (Buy) dot to the left or right of the transport while displayed in the Assets page. I've attached a demonstration.

Thanks again and have a great day!

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