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Defenses fix and Hangar increases Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
There was a "fix" put in for defenses which change the way the react to combat. Previously defenses would only defend YOU and no one else. If your units were guarding an ally who got attacked, your units would come to the fight in the defense but any defenses you have at that location would not because YOU were not attacked there. There is no way to order defenses to Guard Terran Feds defenses were actually set to guard as a workaround until now.

So NOW defenses will come into ANY fight in which you have ANY unit already there on the defense. So if you have ships guarding an ally and that ally is attacked, your ships will come in on defense, but then all defenses are checked and since you have units in a fight on the defense, any defenses you have at that location will automatically join the fight on defense. This means that you MUST have a unit of some kind in the fight on defense for your defenses to come in with you when guarding another corp or guild. If your corp is actually attacked then of course your defenses respond normally. . There is still no way to tell your defenses to guard an ally, they will come along if your units are on the defense. You can send a scout in to guard an ally and when that scout gets on the defense in a battle all your defenses will come along.

Also, Military Bases and Shipyards have always been considered "Defenses" by the system so Your bases and Shipyards will also come to the fight along with your other defenses automatically.

Terran feds defenses no longer have orders to guard, and all Terran fed units were wiped out so they will re spawn with correct orders.

Hangar Space has been increased across the board. The minimum hangar capacity is now 5, that includes the Frigate, cruiser, dreadnought. The battleship has been given a hangar Capacity of 20 giving it more value in battle groups. The Carrier has been given a capacity of 100 and also had its Hit Points increased from 1200 to 2000, giving it more survivability since it has little combat value. The Frigate cost has increased from 1.5 mil to 2 mil. The monolith also has a hangar of 100 now, i think it can find room somewhere. The 2 hangar worked back when hangar upgrades were +50% increase, not that everything is 20% increase on level ups we needed to make to at least 5 to make an upgrade mean something on those ships.
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