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Corporate CEO/Hero Unit Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 167

Posts: 167
Was going through and naming some units and what not when the thought hit me..

What if we each had a special unit that was considered the CEO of the company, basically a hero, that can buff different things similar to the way the HQ buffs your production.. it scales with your HQ level and can be captured and held for ransom or it can be killed in combat which forces your company as a whole to run on reduced incomes or higher costs for upkeep and productions for a set amount of turns.

The buffs can be selected like the HQ research page but it can buff military units it share a space with, decrease turns needed for construction or upgrading, or it could benefit the production side of things...

I'm not sure the needed coding or programming but I thought it could add some additional goals... not sure if it'd be fair to consider it as a paid account only since the mechanic would be dependent on you subscribing every month

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain..
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