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Artifact for OC Reductions Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 25

Posts: 25
So something Grandor suggested made sense to me. Okay, now that those people are out of the room: Something Grandor suggested highlighted a problem and a potential solution, if we care to pursue it.

The Problem: Resource fields get crowded. Crowded resource fields keep getting more crowded. Cities seem to be focuses of this more than anything else.

The Potential Solution: Give players a way to increase the crowding cap. It shouldn't be easy to do so, so why not artifacts?

Still mostly an idea seed, so I don't have any idea what specific values we should focus on, whether the effect should be temporary, or what negative artifacts should also be thrown in the mix. Also, should we separate out what kinds of artifacts can upgrade what resources? If so, should we divide by category or individual resource?

I swear I'm not trying to break things.
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