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Policy on deleting unpaid inactive accounts Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 9

Posts: 9
Does this extend to accounts that were once paid, but let their subscription lapse and took a break? If so, could the inactive time before deletion on these once-paid accounts maybe increase depending on how many months that account previously subscribed to? Pretty niche request, but that's the boat I am finding myself in right now =p
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Teluna wrote:
Does this extend to accounts that were once paid, but let their subscription lapse and took a break? If so, could the inactive time before deletion on these once-paid accounts maybe increase depending on how many months that account previously subscribed to? Pretty niche request, but that's the boat I am finding myself in right now =p

If you haven't logged into your account for a month, I don't think you're playing anymore and I have to liquidate/remove your corp after a while because unlike other games like this you'r afk corp is probably affecting the game in some significant way. If its one of your several alt accounts thats feeding your main or something, I don't have sympathy for you if you cant even log into it occasionally =)

If you are legitimately taking a vacation for a MONTH on your free account and cant even log in, theirs not much I can do. There is no practical way to make your account dormant then bring it back to life. I mean I CAN but nothing would stop your from getting attacked and also it can be abused.
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Posts: 9

Posts: 9
I have no issue auto liquidating after a month. You don't see someone getting really into this game and playing as a sub for several months, maybe lose some big war or something and decide to step away for more than a month before getting that itch again? Having their previous HQ level and a bunch of liquid capital would make it a lot easier to get back into it rather than starting completely from scratch.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Teluna wrote:
I have no issue auto liquidating after a month. You don't see someone getting really into this game and playing as a sub for several months, maybe lose some big war or something and decide to step away for more than a month before getting that itch again? Having their previous HQ level and a bunch of liquid capital would make it a lot easier to get back into it rather than starting completely from scratch.

Realistically, once you are liquidated, I can hold onto your corporation for a while, its very little strain on the system. In fact now that you are mentioin it perhaps I can stamp your net worth credits and level onto your User record and delete your corp so if y DID want to play again and came back you would have to recreate your corp again but you would get handed your net worth and level.

I figured that after month, no one comes back but if you're talking about it I guess it happens enough to warrant a fix.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
I would second this. It would not apply to me directly but I know how life can throw curveballs at times and knowing you can come back with some starting capital a decent HQ is nice.
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Posts: 11

Posts: 11
I'll third this. I know some people who've already dropped BotG because they don't feel there's enough stuff to do. But you're still adding new content. They might be willing to come back to the game when there's more stuff going on, but that'd probably be a hard sell if they have to start from scratch all over again.
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
If I happen to get wiped out I would probably take several months off. Maybe even a year. But then come back after watching Alien or Outlander or something like that. I tend to go through phases like that but keep coming back to the games that really satisfy a certain itch.
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