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Posts: 25

Posts: 25
Too many products kinda locks us into what we have. What if we tied products together, so that the demand of one would have an effect on the demand of the other?

First the obvious examples: Positive associations. Things like all 8 food types (5 from ranch, 3 from farm) having loose tethers to eachother so that demand dropping in one drops demand in the other 7, and vice versa. Not a 1-to-1 association by any rate; we still want it to be better to sell 3000 fruits and 3000 vegetables than 6000 fruits. This also works with other topic "Synthetic Fossil Fuels" in allowing strong links between, say, Low Octane Synthetic Fuel and Low Octane Fossil Fuel.

And the less obvious: Negative associations. Selling one thing causes demand for another to rise. That thing being in short supply lowers demand of the other. Lots of narcotics flowing into a city? Illegal weapons demand increases. City not being supplied with cars? No demand for fuel to speak of.

If this is too heavy on the turn flip, it might be a good idea to tie linked demand changes only to player buy and sell actions rather than the natural, slow demand increase.

I swear I'm not trying to break things.
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